Description: MOVIE INFO Transformers One is an animated prequel set on Cybertron, focusing on the backstory of iconic characters Optimus Prime (originally Orion Pax) and Megatron (D-16). The story explores the origins of their friendship and the rift that led to their becoming leaders of opposing factions—the Autobots and the Decepticons. In the beginning, Orion and D-16 are close friends, both miners on Cybertron, but they become divided as D-16 becomes more aggressive and ambitious, ultimately rebranding himself as Megatron. The two friends’ opposing visions for Cybertron’s future spiral into a conflict that leads to the creation of the Autobots and Decepticons, changing Cybertron’s destiny forever. Directed by Josh Cooley, the film brings a new style to the Transformers franchise, featuring a star-studded voice cast including Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime, Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, and Scarlett Johansson as Elita-1. Canadian Import. Region 1. USA & Canada. No subtitles. English. This DVD will play on any Region . Runtime: 1 hour 40 Minutes. Rated PG-USA & Canada.Horror Thriller. Region free - plays anywhere in the world. Shipped in black 11mm spine case
Price: 18.5 USD
Location: Karandeniya
End Time: 2025-01-17T16:00:35.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
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Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Industry: Movies
Original/Reproduction: Original
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States