Description: Experience the enchanting tale of Spirited Away, a 2002 animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and Kirk Wise. This DVD, produced by Donald W. Ernst and Toshio Suzuki, is a must-have for fans of anime-Japanese genre. The movie follows the story of a young girl named Chihiro, who is transported to a magical world where she meets spirits and creatures alike. Rated PG, this Walt Disney Video is perfect for all ages and is a great addition to any movie collection. The DVD format ensures that you can enjoy the film in high quality, and the release year of 2002 makes it a classic in the world of anime. Don't miss out on the chance to own this timeless tale.
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Producer: Donald W. Ernst, Toshio Suzuki
Movie/TV Title: Spirited Away
Director: Hayao Miyazaki, Kirk Wise
Rating: PG
Format: DVD
Release Year: 2002
Genre: Anime-Japanese
Studio: Walt Disney Video