Description: RailroadTreasures offers the following item: Railway World Bound Vol. XXII Jan-Dec 1961 The Railway World Bound Vol. XXII Jan-Dec 1961 A Aguido Locomotor, The143 Alamosa, West from134 Allhallows Branch, The396 Asturias, Steam Metre-Gauge Railways of31 Auction at Gosforth169 Ayrshire, The Railways of North-West55 13 Beyer-Garratts of the Sierra-Leone Government Railway352 Blakesley Hall Miniature Railway263 Book Reviews42, 74, 107, 149, 183, 216, 245, 279, 323, 353,386, 417 Borrows-Type Well Tank Preserved415 "Brighton" Royal Train, A395 British Sleeping Cars, The First70 British Transport Museum211 Brusselton Incline226 Bygone Days on the Festiniog Railway130 C "Castle" Preserved, The First255 Causerie, Locomotive (for titles see under L) 3, 47, 79, 111, 155, 187, 219, 251, 283, 327, 359, 391 Chattenden & Upnor Railway, Signals on the210 City of London, The Former S. E. & C. R. Entries into the148 Club Notes42, 73, 106, 149, 182, 214, 247, 279, 322, 353, 387, 418 Colliery Octogenarian416 Colonial Sugar309 Compound, The Smith405 Coniston Lake Steamers of the Furness Railway, The409 Corringham Note Book383 D Darlington, North Eastern Electric at146 Darlington Ve'erans Renovated233 Day Trip to Dublin371 Decline of the Slip Coach, The51 Derwent Valley Light Railway, More Notes on the206 Destination Boards7 Development of Rail-Sea Facilities at Weymouth, The201, 227 Development of the Miniature Steam Locomotive, The300 Development at Yeovil, Railway256 "Director", Restored395 Dublin, Day Trip to371 Dugald Drummond at St. Rollox 1882-8521, 88 Early Miniature Locomotive, "Pearl", An408 Early Surrey Miniature Railway, An323 East Anglian "Lion", The63 Editorials 1, 45, 77, 109, 153, 185, 217, 249, 281, 325, 357, 389 Electric at Darlington, North Eastern146 Electric Locomotive, A Pioneer245 Emigrant, A Midlands Industrial11 F Famous Locomotive Families166 Famous Locomotive Types64 Festiniog Railway, Bygone Days on the130 First British Sleeping Cars, The70 First "Castle'' Preserved, The 255 "Foreigners" on the South Eastern & Chatham Railway 147 Forest Journey, A35 Four Decades in South Wales378 French Pacific, The192, 264,333 French "Secondaire", A Typical240 Furness Railway, The Coniston Lake Steamers of the409 G Gasworks Engines, Scottish103 German G12 2-10-0, The166 Gosforth, Auction at169 Great Eastern Veteran Preserved106 Greywood Central Railway, The341 H Hammersmith Branch of the N. S. W. J. R. , The269 Harz, Narrow Gauge in the86 Hellevoetsluis, Last Stoom- tram to?413 Hertford, Luton & Dunstable Railway26 Hitchin, Leicester to176 Hudson, "King"41 Hunslet Steam Locomotives for the Indian Narrow Gauge, New412 Indian Narrow Gauge, New Hunslet Steam Locomotives for the412 Industrial Engineer, A Midlands11 In Pursuit of Steam296 J "Jinties", The Unsung368 K "King" Hudson41 Kinsale Railway 1863-1931, The363 L Lakeland Terminus345 Last Stoomtram to Hellevoetsluis?413 Last Tilbury Line 4-4-2 Tank Withdrawn168 Lee Moor Tramway, The 318, 346 Leicester to Hitchin176 Le Mont-Dore, Rail from287 Letters to the Editor, 43, 75, 108, 149, 183, 215, 247, 280,324,355, 387, 419 Light Railway Album 175, 299,350, 370 Light Railway Notes 200, 241, 277, 315, 351, 383, 411 "Lion", The East Anglian63 Locomotive Causerie, 3, 47, 79,111, 155, 187, 219, 251, 283, 327,359, A Metropolitan Steam391 Locomotive Resume79 A Tribute to "Mallard"391 A Tribute to the "Schools" Class187 Locomotive Variety between Redhill and Reading327 Pre-Grouping Types on the Kings Cross-Cambridge Express Turns155 "Scots" and Pacifics of the West Coast Route111 Scottish Locomotives at Work47 Some Thoughts of a Southern Enthusiast3 Steam Highlights on the East Coast Route251 The "Baby Scot" 4-6-0s219 The Great Central Loco- motive List359 The Leeds-Carlisle Road at the Close of the Midland Era283 Locomotives of 1918, Proposed Standard165 Locomotives Preserved, or Scheduled to be Preserved, by the B. T. C.244 London & North Eastern in North Wales and The Wirral, The116 London & North Western Coaching Problem347 London & South Western Locomotive Headcodes375 London, Brighton & South Coast Royal Train, A395 London Transport Period Pieces386 Longmoor Parade104 M "Midland & Great Northern Special"416 Midlands Industrial Emigrant, A11 Milford Junction128 Miniature Steam Locomotive, The Development of the300 Monmouthshire Memories144 More Notes on the Derwent Valley Light Railway206 Museum, British Transport211 N Narrow Gauge in the Harz86 Newcastle & Carlisle "Tyne"209 North Eastern Electric at Darlington146 North Eastern Saloons94 "Northern Belle" Cruising Train93 North Staffordshire 0-6-2s347 North Staffs Rail Motors140 0 Old Swedish Contractor's Locomotive, An97 One Minute Later on Saturdays199 Pacific, The French 192, 264, 333 "Pearl", An Early Miniature Locomotive408 Pioneer Electric Locomotive, A245 Postcards, Railway224, 338 Postlingbergbahn, The132 Preserved by B. T. C. , Locomotives Scheduled to be244 Proposed Standard Locomotives of 1918165 Pursuit of Stealn, In296 R Rail from Le Mont-Dore287 Rail Motors, North Staffs140 Railroads in Color142 Railway Development at Yeovil256 Railway Development of Wimbledon14, 98 Railway Postcards224, 338 Railway Reminiscences of 1911398 Railways of North-West Ayrshire, The55 Ramsgate Tunnel Railway, The 159 Restored "Director"395 Round the Wirral in 1913292 Royal Train, A "Brighton"395 Rural Rails along the Rhine83 St. Rollox 1882-85, Dugald Drummond at21, 88 Scottish Gasworks Engines103 "Secondaire", A Typical French240 "Secondaires", The Twilight of the234 Sierra Leone Government Railway, Beyer-Garratts of the352 Signals on the Chattenden & Upnor Railway210 Sleeping Cars, The First British70 Slip-Coach, The Decline of the51 Smith Compound, The405 South Eastern & Chatham Car Trains282 South Eastern & Chatham Railway, "Foreigners" on the147 South Wales, Four Decades in 378 Standard Locomotives of 1918, Proposed165 Stapleford Park Miniature Railway, The123 Steam Metre-Gauge Railways of Asturias31 Stockton & Darlington Railway, The "Tory" and "Collier" Classes of the340 Surrey Miniature Railway, An Early323 Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson291 Swedish Contractor's Locomotive, An Old97 Tasmanian Vintage Locomotive Preserved, A161, 317 Ticket Spotlight 72, 133, 332, 367, 404 Tilbury Line 4-4-2 Tank Withdrawn, The Last168 Twilight of the "Secondaires", The234 Typical French "Secondaire", A240 United Steel Company Locomotives115 Unsung "Jinties", The368 Upton-on-Severn Branch, The 268 V Victoria Station Centenary12 Vulcan Foundry, The68 w Wales and the Wirral, The L.& N. E. in116 Water Troughs in the U.S.A.162 West from Alamosa134 West Clare Railway272 Weymouth, The Development of Rail-Sea Facilities at 201,227 Wimbledon, Railway Develop- ment of14, 98 Wirral in 1913, Round the292 Y Yeovil, Railway Development at256 The Railway World Bound Vol. XXIV Jan-Dec 1963 A A4s on the Glasgow-Aberdeen Services218, 317 Aberdovey-Llwyngwril Line Centenary392 Abermule-Kerry Branch Centenary275 Action in the Fells58 Addison Road (Olympia)-Clapham Junction Line Centenary113 After Beeching - The Problem of Maintaining Rural Communications230 Ais Gill, The Men Who Built the "Long Drag" Over225 Alston Branch of the North Eastern Railway 227,317 Atlantic Era, The Great Northern182 Automatic Signals on the North Eastern Railway 355 Aviemore-Pitlochry Line Centenary347 Avoca-Enniscorthy Line Centenary275, 396,434 Ayrshire Album380 B. R. and the Giesl Ejector401 B. R. Mismanagement of the Lancashire Town Holiday Traffic409 Beeching and the Watford-St. Albans Abbey Branch 418 Iseechlog in t Aot n- Devon, Vne 4.ifects of32\ "Big Green Yins", The218,317 Bishop Auckland-Barnard Castle Line Centenary 315,396 Bishop's Road-Farringdon Street Line Centenary8 Blackpool-Lytham Line Centenary135 Block Signalling, The Principles of443 Block System, What is the ?171 "Blue Belle", Another28 Boat of Garten-Craigellachie Branch of the G. N. S. R.140,237 Book Reviews 38,79,118, 159, 198, 238,278, 318, 358 397,439,478 Botley-Bishops Waltham Line Centenary212 Brighton Line, Pre-electrification Days on the25 Brighton "Scotsmen" , The116 Bristol-New Passage Pier Line Centenary347 Britain's First Route-setting Signalling if Replaced 108 Britain's Transport Needs - The Hall Report161 Brixton-Loughborough Junction Line Centenary 275 Bungay-Beccles Line Centenary113 Buntingford Branch of the Eastern Region, The 273,318 C Cab Signalling on the North Eastern Railway69 Caledonian 4-4-0s, The End of the162 Caledonian Railway, The Lambie 4-4-0 Tanks of the378 Caledonian Railway, The McIntosh 8-coupled Engines and Moguls of the16,116 Cambrian Centenary46 Cambrian Railway, Metropolitan Tanks on the281 Cambus-Alva Line Centenary212 Causerie, Locomotive (for Titles, see under L) 65, 146, 301 , 373,477 Centenaries, This Month's 8, 57,113,135,175, 212 273,315, 347, 392, 434 Chard Branch, The176,277 Chard Junction-Chard Line Centenary175 Cheap-and-Nasty Travel81 Cheltenham and Gloucester Area, Memories of the Railways in the263,291 Chippenham-Calne Line Centenary392 Clapham Museum, Locomotive Display Opened at 243 "Claughton", Sketches for an Expanded414 Clifton-Clifton Junction Line Centenary315 Club Notes 39, 80,119,159, 199, 239, 279, 318, 359 399,434,439, 478 Coaching Stock of the G. W. R. , A History of the 6, 96, 193, 238,255, 344, 428 Ccaqellachie-Boat of Gotten Branch of the G. N. S. R.14,131 Cross-country Route, Changes on a35 Cumberland Revival30 D Dandaleith-Craigellachie Line Centenary275 Delph Branch, The100 Diesels-Keep Out198 "Directors", Driving the110 District Railway, End of the F Stock208,316 Dowlais-Brecon Line Centenary175 Drighlington-Upper Batley Line Centenary315 Drummond 4-4-0s of the G. S. W. R. , The397 Dufftown-Abernethy Line Centenary275 "Dukedogs", The Great Western150,237,396 Dumfries-Lockerbie Branch Centenary347 Dunkeld-Pitlochry Line Centenary212 Duns-Earlston Centenary, The435 Durham-Bishop Auckland Branch, The78,157,237 Editorials 1,41,81,121,161,201,241,281,321 361 401 441 Eire, Last Steam Strongholds in122 End of an Era, The354 Enginemen's Lobby: Highlights that Stick, The3 Driving the "Directors"110 English Station Frontage, The311 Enthusiasts' Excursions, Support for316,436,476 Fairford Branch, The34 Falmouth Branch Centenary315 Fells, Action in the58 Festiniog Centenary Year, New Developments in the305 Forres-Aviemore Line Centenary315 French Narrow Gauge, A Short Guide to the130 G G. N. & L. N. W. Joint Line in Leicestershire, The323,388 G. W. R. Coaching Stock, A History of the 6, 96 , 193,238,255,344,428 G.W.R. Saloon 80973, Proposed Preservation of 117 "General" Steams Again, The253 "Georges" and "Princes" of the L. N. W. R. , The 136,237 Giesl Ejector, B. R. and the401 Glasgow Central, History of the53,102 Glasgow-Milngavie Junction Line Centenary135 Gloucester and Cheltenham Area, Memories of the Railways in the263,291 Gosport-Stokes Bay Line Centenary135,277 Grantham "02s" - Valete442 Great Central in Recent Times, The420 Great Eastern "1500s", The Incomparable213 Great Eastern "Claud", Early Days on the Footplate of a338 "Great Marquess, The"299 Great Northern Atlantic Era, The182 Great Northern Publicity for London's Northern Heights436 Great Western "Dukedogs", The150,237 Grimsby-Cleethorpes Line Centenary135 H Half-a-Century of Train Travel: "Claughton" 4-6-0s, The L. N. W.410 "Cornish Riviera Express", Introduction to the331 Europe, On the Mainland of456 Going Great Central49 Manchester to London via Stoke, From307 North British Mountain Climbing84,237 North Eastern Atlantics, The3E4 Scottish "Sou-West" Reminiscences267,397 Hall Report, The161 Haltwhistle-Alston Branch of the N. E. R. The 227,317 Hamilton-Strathaven North Centenary57,159 Hardham Junction-Ford Line Centenary315 Hassop-Buxton Line Centenary212 Headcodes of the L. B. S. C. R. , Locomotive393 Hereford-Eardisley Line Centenary392 Herne Hill-Beckenham Line Centenary275 Highlights That Stick3 Holbeck Siesta282 Holme-Ramsey Branch Centenary275 Hooton-Helsby Line Centenary275 Hungarian Holiday448 Hythe-Wivenhoe Line Centenary175 Irish Light Railway, The - An Economic Survey 335 Isle of Man Railway, The78 J Johnston-Milford Line Centenary347 Jugoslavia - Journey to Sarajevo42,157 K Kells-Oldcastle Line Centenary114 Kent & East Sussex Railway, The77 Kilconquhar-Anstruther Line Centenary347 Kings Cross Steam Working - End of an Era354 Kinross-Rumbling Bridge Line Centenary175 Kinsale Junction-Kinsale Line Centenary212,396 Knockrnore Junction-Banbridge Line Centenary 275 Knutsford-Northwich Line Centenary8 L L. N. W. & G. N. Joint Line in Leicestershire, The323,388 L. N. W. Route from Manchester to Leeds, The470 Lambie 4-4-0 Tanks of the Caledonian Railway, The375 Lancashire Town Holiday Traffic, B.R. Mismanagement of409 Leicester West Bridge Branch, The402 Letters to the Editor 34,77,116,156,196,237,277, 316,357,396,436,477 Light Railway Notes 32,74,99,149,232,275,289,356 377,433,473 Lincolnshire Coast Light Railway, The75 Llandudno Junction-Llanrwst Line Centenary212 Llanymynech-Llanfyllin Line Centenary275 Locomotive Causerie: Journeying Home from Wales146 Pacific Anthology, A65 Southern Steam Services, Two Contrasting 301,477 Western "Castles" and "Manors"373 Locomotive Design, Steam, Was There any Progress in ?109 196,2 77,357,438 Locomotive Display Opened at Clapham Museum 243 Locomotives for Preservation278 Locomotive Heodcodes of the L. B. S. C. R.393 London & North Western, The "Georges" and "Princes" of the136,237 London Transport F Stock, The End of the208,316 London Transport - Underground Centenary Celebrations at Neosden304 London's Northern Heights, Great Northern Publicity for436 "Long Drag" Over Ais Gill, The Men Who Built the225 "Lord Nelsons", In Memory of the90 Luxembourg Journey9,116.197 M Mochynlleth-Borth Line Centenary275 McIntosh 8-coupled Engines and Moguls of the Caledonian Railway16,116 Mail Coach, A Preserved98 Malton Drawbridge, The34,118 Manchester to Leeds, The L. N. W. R. Route from 470 Metropolitan Railway in 1863, Crisis on the425 Metropolitan Tanks on the Cambrian Railway231 Midland Drive for London, The37 Moat Lane-Machynlleth Line Centenary8 Modern Transport Publishing Co. Acquired by Ian Allan Group Ltd.469 Motive Power and Electric Traction Depots, Visits to237 N Nantwich-Market Drayton Line Centenary392 Narrow Gauge, A Short Guide to the French130 Narrow Gauge Railway Museum at Towyn, The 271 Neasden, London Underground Centenary Celebrations at304 Night Shift332 North American Railfan Excursions247 North British Atlantics, The84,237 North British Atlantics, The Antics of the475 North Devon, The Effects of Beeching in321 North Eastern Railway, Automatic Signalling on the355 North Eastern Railway, Cab Signalling on the69 North London Railway, The Directorate of the34 Northern and South Eastern Counties, Through Trains Between125,202 Nottingham Area, Pre-Grouping Locomotives in the243,357 Nottingham, Stations in357 0 Oldham (Mumps)-Rochdale Line Centenary434 One Foggy Night4,117 Pembroke-Tenby Line Centenary275 Picture of the Past241 Portugal, The Railways of283, 348,436 Pre-electrification Days on the Brighton Line25 Pre-Grouping Locomotives in the Nottingham Area 243,357 Preservation of Southern "Schools" Locomotive317 Preservation of Wainwright "C" Class Locomotive 79 Preservation Societies, Railway 29,114,198,416,438 447 Princes Risborough-Aylesbury Line Centenary392 "Princess Elizabeth" Preservation Fund238,317 Publicity for Passenger Travel121 Pullman in Europe77,157,238 Pullman Possibilities1,116 Railfan Excursions in North America247 Railfan Railtours14 Railfans Register40 Railtour Reappraisal Needed ?476 Railtours, Recent82 Railway Preservation Societies29,114,198,416,438 447 Railway Tickets, Browsing Amongst the World's88 Railways of Portugal, The283,348,436 Railways of the Gloucester and Cheltenham Area, Memories of the263.291 Railways, The Future Role of41 Ravenglass, First Two Years of Preservation at30 Robinson 2-8-0 in Australian Exile, A459 Route-setting Signalling, Britain's First, is Replaced 108 Rural Communications, The Problem of Maintaining 230 S. E. R. Engines at Purley477 Sarajevo, Journey to42,157 "Schools" 4-4-0s of the Southern, Salute to the164 "Scotsmen", The Brighton116 Scottish Locomotive Preservation Society198 Self-drive Hire on British Railways5 Sentry-go at a Signalbox, On174 Settle-Carlisle Line, Dr. Beeching Threatens the 220 Shervington's Suggestions for Reducing Station Costs, Mr.81 Shrewsbury and Chester Railway, The363 Signalling, Automatic on the North Eastern Railway 355 Signalling, The Principles of Block443 Snailbeach Railway, The Last Years of the290 Society and Enthusiasts' Specials234,260, 340,451 Sole Street Bank, The477 Southern Special187 Southern Visitors432 Spain's Valdepenas-Puertollano Railway, Mail Train Trip on188 Special Events260 Standard Gauge Preservation, A Practical Approach to416 Station Frontage, The English311 Steam Disappearing on the S. R. Central Division 460 Steam in the 1963 Snows124 Steam Locomotive Design, Was There Any Progress in ?109,196,277, 357,438 Steam Railcars317,396 Steam, Unfair to37 Stockport-Woodley Line Centenary8 Stokes Bay Railway, The,135,277 Strabane-Stranorlar Line Centenary347 Streamliners, A Memory of the180 Streamstown-Clara Line Centenary135 Summer Holiday Traffic, The Lessening281 Swansea (Wind Street)-Neath (L. L.) Line Centenary 315 Terriplecorribe-Blandford Line Centenary315 "Terrier" for Canada, A427 "Terrier", Why Preserve Another?358 Through Trains Between the Northern and South Eastern Counties125,202 Tickets, Browsing Through the World's Railway88 Towyn, The Narrow Gauge Railway Museum at271 Train Identification for Passengers441 Train Speed, Computation of477 Train Travel, Half-a-Century of 49,84,267, 307,331 (for titles see under H)384, 410,456 Transport Policy, Better Ways to a201 Transylvanian Railway448 Travelling Post Office361,477 Truro-Falmouth Branch Centenary315 U Unexpected Associations36 Unfair to Steam37 University of Southampton Transport Lectures392 V Valdepenas-Puertollano Railway, Main Train Trip on Spain's188 Visits to Motive Power and Electric Traction Depots 237 W Wainwright "C" Class Locomotive, Preservation of 79 Watford-St. Albans Abbey Branch, Beeching and the418 Wear Valley Line, The117 Wednesbury-Tipton/James Bridge Line Centenary 347 Werneth Incline, The End of the76,158 "Western Belle", The451 Western Branches, The Vanishing19 West German Narrow Gauge376 West London Line, Past and Present, The115,197 Whaley Bridge-Buxton Line Centenary212 Whitchurch-Ellesmere Line Centenary175 Working Conditions on the Railways, Early 241,357 Wotton Tramway, The465 Wrexham, Focus on370 Y Yeldham-Haverhill Line Centenary176,277 Yeovil, The Railways of397 The Railway World Bound Vol. XXVII Jan-Dec 1966 A A2s a'wandering 428 A4 Retrospect 516 A4s Wandering 262 Aberdeen Railtour 488 Accident Pictures 485 Alnmouth and Alnwick, Between 434 Alps, Steam in the 208, 310 Approach, The New 250, 373, 382, 528 Ashburton Branch, The 396, 488 Autumn Specials 39 Austria: Steam in Europe 254 Austrian Motive Power Today 256, 354 Australia, 04s in 373, 488 B B1 No. 61313 on Tour 459 Bakerloo, Diamond Jubilee of the 158 Barnstaple, The GW Route to 524 Basingstoke Branch of the GWR, The 74 Between Alnmouth and Alnwick 434 Beyer Peacock and the South Western 332 " Black Five ", A Super 82, 261 Blaenau Ffestiniog, Snowplough to 114 Book Reviews 33, 80, 130, 176, 218, 264, 350, 534 " Brighton " Relic, A 331 Bristol Avoiding Line, The 488 Buchanan Street and St. Enoch 346 Burnage Miniature Railway, The 352, 488 C Cambrian Line, Steam in North Wales 1966 476 Campbeltown & Machrihanish Light Railway, The 330 Cannon Street and the Suburban Services of the SER 366, 410 " Castles " in France 283 " Castles ", Tribute to the 202, 310 Christmas Bookshop 532 Christmas Fun 514 Closures, Railway 82 Club Notes 48, 82, EP March, 183, 228, EP June, EP July, 360, 4 448, 494, 539 Clun Castle 178 Coach Preservation 310. 486, 128 Coloured Plate: GWR No. 4079 " Pendennis Castle " and Train 1 " Cornish Riviera Express ", The 244, 324 " Coronation " Pacifics, The 146, 188, 311 D Darlington Centenary Procession of Locomotives 170, 310 Dart Valley Railway, The 396, 488 Day Trip to Longmoor 309, 372 Derby in the 1920s 12 Diamond Jubilee of the Bakerloo 158 E Early Photographs 486 Early Railway Photographers 120, 310, 352 Economics 488 Editorial 1, 49, 93, 141, 185, 229, 273, 317, 361, 405, 449, 495 Electric Miscellany 365 End of Steam on the Western Region 58 Engine Names 528 European Light Railways 322, 408 Enthusiasts, An Open Letter to 441 Enthusiasts' Behaviour, Railway 83, 135, 441 F Fife, Steam in 34, 179 Film Review 81 Film Shows 217, 310 Flushing Steamer Services 218 " Flying Scotsman ", The New Tender 293 Focus on Snowdon 193 Focus on the Swanage Branch 467 Footbridges 135 France, " Castles " in 283 French Steam Power 28, 178, 342, 390 G G&SW Train Services of 1905 278 GW Route to Barnstaple, The V4 Giesl Ejector, The 522 " Gladstone " 310 Glaxo Plant Fireless Locomotive 129 Gloucester-London Services 41, 218 Glyn Valley Tramway Films 178 Great Central, Last Rites on the 454 Great Central, The 311 Great Central, Tribute to the 374, 442 Great North of Scotland Royal. Trains 462 Great Western 4-6-0s at Work 336 Great Western 47XX 2-8-0s 16, 179, 217 Great Western Saloon No. 9044 Preserved 128 Great Western Classes Extinct 22 Great Western Railway, The Barnstaple Branch of the 74 Guildford Resignalled 277 H Half a Century of Train Travel: 1905 Train Services: 100 Years of Locomotives 170, 310 5.30 p.m. from Kings Cross, The 386, 488 " Cornish Riviera Express ", The 244, 324 G&SW and Highland 278 LB&SCR 212 " Midday Scot ", The 430, 480 NER 98 " Rheingold ", The 509 SE&CR 4, 134 Highland Train Services of 1905 278 High Speed Junction at Wootton Bassett 78 Horsham-Brighton Service, Last Look at the 249 I Industrial Scene, The 416 Irish 4-4-0s, " Slieve Gullion ", The Last of the 60 Irish Railtours Report 64 Isle of Man Railway, End of the ? 122, 264 Isle of Wight, Modernisation in the 409 Isle of Wight Relics 178 K Keighley & Worth Valley Light Railway 240 Kings Cross, The 5.30 p.m. from 386, 488 L LB&SCR Train Services of 1905 212 LMR New Main Line 129 LMR Railway Week Exhibitions 79 LNWR Main Line, Transformation on the 152 LNWR-Steam in North Wales 1966 474 LSWR, The 0-4-4Ts of the 500 Lancaster, Morecambe and Heysham, End of the 31 Last Rites on the GC 454 " Leader ", The Ill-fated 42 Letters to the Editor 41, 82, 134, 178, 217, 261, 310, 352, 372, 441, 486, 528 " Liberation "-The 141Rs of the SNCF 342, 390, 486 Lickey, Memories of the 340, 487 Light Railway Timetables, 1966 143, 187, 233 Light Railways, Signalling on Britain's 306, 331, 486 Liveries 217, 261 Locomotives, 100 Years of 170, 310 Locomotive Stock Changes 4/, 91, 140, 182, 227, 271, 316, 359, 402, 446, 492, 539 London-Gloucester Services 41, 218 Longmoor, Day Trip to 309, 372 LT " Q " Stock, The 82 Lynton & Barnstaple 43 Lyme Regis Branch, The 103, 352 M Manchester Ship Canal Railways, End of Steam on the395 Maunsell Moguls, End of the436, 528 Memories of the Lickey340, 487 " Midday Scot ", The430, 480 Middleton Branch, The134 Midland 0-6-0s, Last of the106, 217 Mittelbadische Eisenbahn487, 323 " Modern Transport " Goes Monthly276 Mogul Preservation372, 488, 528 Motive Power Miscellany43, 88, 136, 179, 224, 266,312,355,400,443, 489, 535 N New Approach, The250. 373, 382, 528 New Books33, 80, 130, 176, 218, 264, 350, 534 News of the Month2, 50, 94, 142, 186, 230, 274,318,362,406,450, 496 New Zealand Railways83 Night to Remember, A66 Non-stop to Waterloo372 Norfolk & Suffolk Joint, The288, 486 North Eastern Train Services of 1905 98 North Wales, 1966: Steam in: Cambrian Line 476 LNW Line 474 O 04s Extinct, The 160, 352, 373 04s in Australia 373, 488 0-4-4Ts of the LSWR, The 500 Opportunity Missed 134 P Paddington to Penzance Non-stop 303, 372, 441 " Patriots ", End of the " Scots " and 284 Photographs, Early 486 Photographers, Early Railway 120, 310, 352 Photographic Competition. The 1965 Railway World 68 Postscript to French Steam Power 28, 178 Preservation News 3, 52, 96, 143, 145, 186, 231, 275, 320, 363, 451, 498 Preservation. Rethinking Railway 10 Preserved Relics 83, 128 Princes Street 41 Push-pull Trains, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 234, 354, 441 Q Quad-arts, The End of the 196, 354 R ROD 2-8-0s in Australia 373, 488 Railway Closures 82 Railway Enthusiasts' Behaviour 83, 135, 441 Railway Photographers, Early 120, 352, 310 Railway Preservation, Rethinking 10 " Railway World " 1965 Photographic Competition 68 " Railway World " Topics 42 Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway, The 354, 232 Recent Specials 530 Records 534 Red Bank Empties, The 472 " Rheingold ", The 509 Royal Trains, The Great North of Scotland 462 S SER, Cannon Street and the Suburban Services of the 366, 410 SE&CR Train Services of 1905 4, 134 SNCF, The " Liberation " 141Rs of the 342, 390, 486 " Scots " and " Patriots ", End of the 284 " Scots " v " Jubilees " 442, 261 Seaham Harbour Locomotives 529 Seeing Double-with a Camera 84 Signalling in the USA 486 Signalling on Britain's Light Railways 306, 331, 486 " Slieve Gullion ", The Last Irish 4-4-0 60 Smallbrook, End of 460 Snowplough to Blaenau Ffestiniog 114 Snow, Then Came the 116 Snowdon, Focus on 193 Southern Maids-of-all-work, End of the Maunsell Moguls 436, 528 South Western, Beyer Peacock and the 332 Spain-Steam in Europe 294 Special Duty 426 Special Railtour 298 Specials, Recent 132 Spit and Polish 41 Spring Specials 268, 353 St. Enoch, Buchanan Street and 346 Stamps and Railways 79, 216, 264, 407 Station Signs 82 Steam Exploits, Recent 54 Steam in Europe-Austria 254, 354 Spain 294 Steam in Fife 34, 179 Steam in North Wales, 1966-Cambrian Line 476 LNW Line 474 Steam in the Alps 208, 310 Steam on Shed 220 Steam on the Manchester Ship Canal Railway, End of 395 Steam on the " Secondaires " 478 Steam on the Western Region, End of 58 Strasburg Railroad, The 310 Super " Black Five ", A 82, 261 Super Power 135 Swanage Branch, Focus on the 467 Switzerland, Steam Week-end in 420 T Timetables 1966, Light Railway 143, 187, 233 Train Services of 1905-see below under Train Travel Train Travel, Half a Century of 4, 98, 134, 170, 212, 244, 278, 310, 386, 430, 488, 509 (For individual titles see under " H ") Transformation on the LNWR Main Line 152 Trips to Remember, Some 110 V V2s in Scotland 470 W Wandering A4s 262 Wantage Tramway, The 134, 218 Western Region, End of Steam on the 58 Western Region, Locomotive Naming Policy 134 Wisbech & Upwell Tramway, End of the 305 Woman's View, A 506 Wootton Bassett, High Speed Junction at 78 The Railway World Bound Vol. XXVIII Jan-Dec 1967 A A4s in the news 246 Aberdeen Joint Station, Centenary of 501 Accidents, Chapter of 457 Adieu, Reseau Breton 386 American locomotives in Britain 218 Around Europe 6, 52, 138, 325, 421, 519 Ashington, Day trip to 358 Automatic junction setting at Watford 202 B Beam engine preservation 315 Behind the scenes-and in front 546 Belgium, End of steam in 183, 258 Birkenhead specials-March 4 126, 184 Birmingham, Change at 192 Book Reviews 40, 80, 119, 166, 312, 357, 406, 456, 504, 515 Borough Market Junction 35 Bournemouth, New Stock for 288 Bournemouth line, Steam on the 284 Bournemouth line, Change on the 82 Bowater Lloyds, Sittingbourne, Steam at 204 Britain's last steam main line 278 Britain's light railways in pictures 155 BR disinterested 265 BR network, A new look at the 191 BR standard Class 4, No. 80154 218 British Rail in 1966 310 Bulleid Pacific performance 526 C " Capitole ", The: SNCF's first regular 125 mph express 379 Captions corrected 167 Centenary of Aberdeen Joint Station, The 501 Change at Birmingham 192 Change on the Bournemouth line 82 Change on the " West Coast Postal " 216, 361 Christmas Supermarket 551 " City of Truro " 217, 362, 410, 484, 526 Clapham and Kensington, Between 430 Clapham Museum 421 " Clayfreighter ", The 203 Clevedon branch, Focus on the 66 Club notes 47, 87, 130, 175, 223. 272, 319, 367, 415, 463, 510, 558 " Clun Castle ", Vandalism on 266 Colour in " Railway World " 121 Consett ore trains, End of steam on the 44 " Coronation " performance 458 Cromford and High Peak line, The 94, 218, 266 Cross-country journeys 78 D " Dalriada ", The 352 Day to remember, A 389 Day trip to Ashington 358 December competition results 126 Didcot derailment, The 505 Dining Car trains, The first East Coast 447 E. Easibinders 325 ECJS dining car trains, The first 447 East Coast expresses 301 East Coast specials 506 Edgware, The first railway to 374, 527 Editorial 1, 49, 89, 133, 177, 225, 273, 321, 369, 417, 465, 513 Electrics to Gourock 347 Elephants to Bulleid Pacifics, From 446 Endangering passenger safety 253 Enthusiasts and enthusiasm 265, 362, 502 Europe, Around 6, 52, 138, 325, 421, 519 F Festiniog excursions 139 Film review 167, 553 Film shows 139, 421 Findlay, Sir George 35 Firing on the Festiniog 158 G Glasgow Museum of Transport, The 214 Great Western steam 103 GSW " Snow plough " 314 Gunnersbury triangle closure, The 527 GWR 5322 fund, The 361 H Half a century of train travel: Birkenhead specials, The 184 Great Western steam 103 London-Birmingham 237, 458 Norfolk Coast Express, The 20 South Western steam 70 Steam in 1966 160 Hearing aid interference 411 Highland Pullmans, The 107 " Hook Continental " Conductor, Presentation to 65 Ian Allan Ltd., 1942-1967: a publishing success story 474 Industrial preservation 361 Irish railways 100 years ago 61 Irish railways in 1967 520 Isle of Man developments 458 Isle of Man Railway reopens 354 " Jinties ", Tribute to the 452 " Jubilee " Swan-song 530 " Jubilees ", Last of the 528 K Keighley & Worth Valley 218 Kinnaber-Junction no more 499 Kylchap exhaust, The 265, 362 Kylaia exhaust, The 265, 362 L L&Y Saloon No. 2 152 LCGB No. 100 149 Lean family, The 361 Letters to the Editor 34, 78, 120, l'67, 217, 264, 314, 361, 410, 458, 502, 526 Leukerbadbahn-A Swiss tragedy 496 Lickey Incline and Cofton tunnel 78 Light Railway timetables, 1967-supplement facing p. 154, 503 Light Railways in pictures, Britain's 155 LSW 0-4-4Ts 79 LSW boat specials 218 LT Maps 28 Locomotive running, past and present: 4498 rejuvenated 348 " Castle " to " Western " on the WR 440 " City of Truro " and the " Rheingold " 484 East Coast expresses 301 Last of the " Jubilees ", The 528 Steam and electric to Bournemouth 396 Locomotive Stock Changes 47, 86, 130, 175, 222, 271, 318, 366, 414, 463, 510 Locomotive names 79 London & Birmingham Railway, Operating the 306, 458 Longmoor Open Day 342 Lost property 266 Lounge Cars, The new BR 227 Lymington branch, End of steam on the 151 M Mark IIA coaches for BR 467 Mass photography 265 Medal stolen 315 Memories of Stewarts Lane 436, 470 Mersey electric lines, Today on the Wirral and 11 Midland Pullmans 314 Motive Power Miscellany 42, 84, 127, 171, 219, 267, 316, 412, 460, 505, 554 Museum of Transport, The Glasgow 214 Museum Round-up 542 MV " Shanklin " modernised 213 N NER 0-6-0 preservation 78 NER, The straight-sided stock of the 114 NER straight-sided stock, A postscript 451 New Books 40, 80, 119, 166, 312, 357, 406, 456, 504, 551 Negative kilometre posts 459 New Romney branch, The 54 New stock for Bournemouth 288 News of the Month 2, 50, 90, 134, 178, 226, 274, 322, 370, 418, 466, 514 Nine Elms, Focus on 283 No. 60532 on the SR 35 " Norfolk Coast Express ", The 20 North-east, End of steam in the 488 North London line, The 142, 230, 459, 527 Numberplate stolen 79 0 On the banks of the Clyde: end of steam to Gourock 344 Operating the London & Birmingham Railway 306, 458 Oxford University photographic competition 140 P Passenger safety, Endangering 253. Photographic competition, The Oxford University 140 Pilatus, Steam on 479 Portrait of Winter 74 Portsmouth electrics, 30 years of the 292, 382 Presentation CO " Hook Continental " Conductor 65 Preservation topics 4, 51, 78, 91, 137, 180, 228, 266, 315, 323, 324, 361, 372, 410, 420, 459 Pullmans, The Highland 107 Pullmans, The Midland 314, 459 R Rail films at Nottingham 48 Railway colour plates from transparencies 359 Railway photographs 34 Railway to Edgware, The first 374, 527 Railways in Vietnam 305 Record runs 410, 503 RCTS headboard stolen 410 REC/Railway World photographic competition 545 " Repton " and Expo 67 503 Reseau Breton, Adieu 386, 503 " Rheingold ", The-A postscript 33 " Rheingold ", The (Locomotive running past and present) 484 " River Mite ", The RER's new 2-8-2 335, 503 RHDR antiquity 266 RHDR, Forty years of the 336 ROD 2-8-0s 34, 314, 411, 527 Royal " Jubilee " 360 " Royal Scots ", The 422, 480 Ruritanian State Railways, Focus on the 168, 264, 315 Ryde Works 16 S School photograph folio 314 Scottish Region tours 242 SECR headcodes 194 Service withdrawn 68 Shanklin, By Underground to 206 " Sir Nigel " goes south 363, 411 SNCF 141Rs, The 78 Southampton, Focus on 122 Southern electric miscellany 221 Southern specials 148 South Western steam 70 Specials and more specials 36 SR headcodes 34, 167, 315 SR Moguls 79 SR's new timetable, The 290 Stamps and Railways 32, 73, 107, 193, 473, 550 Standedge tunnels 59 Steam and electric to Bournemouth 396 Steam at Bowater Lloyds, Sittingbourne 204 Steam in 1966 160 Steam in Belgium, End of 183, 258 Steam in Switzerland 108 Steam in the north 269 Steam in the north-east, End of 488 Steam locomotives on BR 167 Steam main line, Britain's last 278 Steam on the Lymington branch, End of 151 Steam on Pilatus 47g Steam on Southern branches 428 Steam on the Bournemouth line 284 Steam on BR: what is the future of 331 Steam on the Wirral, Last of 8 Steam over Stainmore 250 Steam's last fling on the Southern 401 Steam to Gourock, End of 344 Stewarts,Lane, Memories of 436, 470 Straight-sided stock of the NER 114, 451 T 2-6-4Ts to Bradford 254 Take four 24, 110, 198, 296, 392, 538 Talyllyn, Focus on the 408 Things that have gone, The 432 Three-figure speed, The first 361 Timetable, The SR's new 290 Train travel, Half a century of 20, 70, 103, 160, 237 (for individual titles see under H: see also Locomotive running past and present) Trains and technology, Reading University meetings 7 Tyneside electrics, End of the 326 U Underground to Shanklin, By 206 V Vandalism on " Clun Castle " 266 Vietnam, Railways in 305 W " Warship " performance 217 Watford, Automatic junction setting at 202 " West Coast Postal ", Change on the 216, 361 Whale 4-6-0s, The 78 Windscreen problems at 100 m.p.h.-plus 266 Winter, Portrait of 74 Wirral and Mersey electric lines, Today on the 11 Wirral, Last of steam on the 8 Woman's view, A 79, 120 All pictures are of the actual item. 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