La Milano


Description: This is Karina w/Kaya: the MODELGirls (we Like models)! Our 700-member Game Club gets discounts from some Sponsor Game stores on a few HOT items to List here 100% for eBay Game-Charity! WELCOME friends to your Club! We have these Brand-NEW- GW no box Plastic single Models to Ship you FAST:No box New GW Unique KILL-TEAM Single Model parts kit: [-Few of these -so GRAB yours FAST!!]ELUCIDIAN STARSTRIDERS:OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM-KNOSSOS PROND,DEATH-CULT ASSASSIN.Limited Edition Sculpt from KILL-TEAM ELUCIDIAN STARSTRIDERS ROGUE TRADERS! Makes your own specific Rogue Trader, OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM, and/or Imperial Agent Character!-BEST PRICE - for whoever is LUCKY enough to 'SEE' and Grab it here First!! ;) -Don't forget: we ship you Super-FAST w/Expedited Shipping. [Images Customized and All photos for modeling/customizing/painting reference only. These are each no model part kits and 1 base to make the individual model shown.] Description: KNOSSOS PROND 145 pointsAssassin of the Thanatos Temple The elusive Thanatos Temple trains the most deadly super-operatives of all the sects of the Officio Assassinorum. These ultra-human hit-men are most lethal and versatile agents. Nearly every strand of their DNA is spliced with upgraded code, their bones and musculature completely replaced by android bio-synthetics - their brain and nerves intermeshed with the most sophisticated cybernetic wetware that exists in the Imperium of Man. Vhane has her own loyal killers gene-gingered from perfected DNA— before programming them with the most extreme combat heuristics ever devised. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 8 8 4 4 3 7 4(5) 10 4+/4+ Unit Composition/Type: 1 (Unique);Infantry (Independent Character): Elite SPECIAL RULES and WARGEAR: Assassin: Assassins have vast cybernetic, chemical and genetic augmentation, and extreme levels of training: Prond has Move Through Cover, Fearless, and Infiltrate, and well as these unique special abilities: Lightning Reflexes: Preternatural reactions grant a 4+ Invulnerable save (including psychic or automatic).No Escape: Any Assassin’s target suffers a -2 penalty to any “Look Out, Sir!” rolls - including auto-success. Combat Master/Fast Shot: The Agent’s android body and reflexes make her an inhuman foe. She runs faster than a jetbike and leaps over buildings with ease: The agent moves as ‘Jump Infantry’ (12”), ignoring models and all but but impassible terrain. She cannot make disordered charges, and may Move, Run (before or after Shooting), Shoot and then Charge. For each foe after the first, add +1 to the Agent's Attacks (+3 max.). Her Exitus pistol’s fire-rate equals her base Attacks. She may also lob a grenade as if firing a pistol. Combat Suit - Vhane’s perfected assassin battlesuit includes a nodal layer phasing in-and-out of realspace: This aesthetic improvement over Syn-Skin provides a single 4+ Armour Save vs attacks up to 4 AP, and re-rolls all saves versus AP 5-or-more. The suit Hardens to seal for re-rolls vs Blasts/Templates. Units targeting the Assassin resolve shooting or close combat attacks as if it had a Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill of 1. The wearer has Night-Vision and re-rolls Blind tests. All shots by the Assassin Ignore Cover. The Auspex stops Infiltrators within 18” and provides Interceptor. Weapon Range Str AP Type: Precision Shot/StrikeExitus 24” 5 2 Pistol 4, Sniper*-Breaker 24” 5 2 Shield Breaker-Turbo 24” 10 1 Ordnance 1, Armourbane-Hellfire 24” 5 2 D6 Fleshbane (2+; Blast 3+)Blind 8” 2 - Blast (5”), BlindShredder Torrent 4” 8 1 Pistol 1, Neural ShockDart -/8” 5 2 Pistol 1, Poison 2+C’Tan - +4 1 Armourbane, Phasing@ @-Wound on 4+; NO Saves; Instant Death on 5+#-Template is Hindering Terrain and 5+ cover.*-Has the Rending and Sunder special rules. Exitus Pistol: The Exitus precision engineered bolter to complement the lethal skills of its wielder: This Sniper weapon has the Rending and wounds any target on a 4+ (unless a lower result is needed). Exitus Ammo: Micro-payloads of the deadliest designs: Prond equips only one-of-each Exitus Ammo type, to be fired one only per turn with her Exitus Pistol:-Shield-breaker: Hyper-dense Strength 5, AP 2 flux shells with Armourbane. NO Armour or Invulnerable saves may be taken against this ultra-velocity round. It simply destroys any such protection and wounds any creature on a 4+, unless the target’s Toughness would be wounded on less by the Strength 5 impact. Likewise, if the target is protected by any type of Stormshield, force fields, Titan energy shields, psychic shields, flare shield, or any energy or force of any kind - it is automatically destroyed for the rest of the game. Targets with several shields deactivate all until the agent’s next turn, when D3 may restore, each on a 4+ roll, with no exceptions.-Turbo-penetrator: This does D3 Strength 10, AP 1 wounds with Armourbane. The shooter runs a line over all models she wishes to penetrate with the shot. The segmented gyro-melta will pass through all Infantry, Beasts, Cavalry, Bikes, Monsters, etc. - but Stops if hitting any vehicle or a gargantuan model. The maximum number of models pierced is 2D3, each rolling for D3 wounds. Vehicles penetrated are +2 to the Damage roll. Transported models take D3 Precision shots per each 10 passengers - and internal carried vehicles may take hits. Prond targets any facing she can see (Rear if Top).-Hellfire: One huge payload of the deadliest bio-toxins, mutagens, necrotizing-nanites and radioactive dust. The hit wounds on 4+ (or 5 Strength). The 2+ Fleshbane does D6 additional wounds to a non-vehicle, including gargantuan creatures. If the Strength 5, AP 2 Rending (5+) round penetrates a transport or hits an open-topped vehicle or building, models inside take D6 random 2+ Poison hits, for each fraction of 10 models inside. The warhead is concentrated virulence, so the firer may opt to make ‘splash’ hits near the impact by reducing the target’s exposure to just D3 Fleshbane. To do so, place a 3” Blast touching any part of the target. All touched (including the initial target) are also hit by 2+ Poison. Blind Grenades: These explosive pellets disorient foes with a blinding flash, in a haze of obscuring particulate: The Defensive pellets toss as easily as drawing a pistol. Place a 3” indirect Blast. Units touched roll under their Initiative or are Blind (WS, BS and I of 1 until the start of Prond’s next turn). Even if not blinded, units touched can only make disordered charges on a Leadership test. The marker is Hindering Terrain and Smoke of a 5+ cover save through the marker’s borders for that turn. C’TAN Phase Sword: An indestructible trans-phasic blade that bypasses and disrupts all matter. Models wounded receive NO armour or invulnerable saves of any kind. The target is wounded on a 4+ (or Strength+4), for Instant Death on a 5+ (or D3 hits). Against Vehicles the micron-edge cuts at AP 1 at the user’s Strength+4 with Armourbane. Prond's acrobatic skill allows her to strike only ‘Rear’ armour, as she can dive or leap to hit the vulnerable top or underside areas. The vorpal edge parries with incredible efficacy, to reduce each enemy melee rolls by 1 (6 always hits). Combat Blood: Concentrated chemicals, nanites and symbiotic viruses comprise Prond's blood. The virulent ichor dissolves un-augmented flesh in seconds. In battle, the serum turns the agent into an unstoppable berzerker: Once per game, Knossos adds D6” to her base move, charge and run moves, gaining +2 attacks on a charge (not +1). If she defeats all close combat enemies, she consolidates within 6”, then rolls a D6. On a 4+ she may assault any new unit charging 2D6 (and be the target of Overwatch). If the charge succeeds Prond fights another combat, etc. Lastly, she keeps fighting at 0 wounds, until the end of Initiative step 1 of the next game turn.*Acid Blood: Prond’s bodily fluids are potent acids! A model wounding Prond takes a Strength 4, AP 5 hit. Neural Shredder: An Astra Telepathica weapon: a tri-antennae psi-helm integrated into elaborate styled-hair: Prond's para-anti-psi is augmented and focused by this heinous device. In the Psychic phase lay a Template in a line up to 4” from her. Models touched suffer a hit that Ignores Cover, and does D6 random hits to models in an open-topped vehicle or in a building with fire points that are touched. Roll to wound with the shredder at Strength 8, but only effecting psychic energy and neural pathways (it does no damage to other physical matter). The attack will damage even gargantuan life-forms, and a result of 4+ is needed to wound, unless the target roll is lower. The heavy armour of vehicles will not take ‘damage’, but the neural pathways of operators, troops, servitors, Space Marine sarcophagi, Servo-skulls, spirit beings or heuristic-cogitators are vulnerable. Psychically-sensitive neural-patterns are partially protected by a vehicle's armour, but penetration by the Shredder’s attack can disrupt, deactivate or fry the brain of any pilots, servitors, troops, spirits, daemons, psychic entities, C’Tan, sentient cybernetic life-forms, Necron minds, slaved servo-skulls or control cogitators. Causing a gunner to spasm in violent death as he lifts a heavy Battlecannon shell may blow-up a Tank as surely as any external impact can. Any vehicle hit rolls 8+2D6 Strength to penetrate the hull. No hull points of damage are done, but if a hit penetrates, 1D6 transported models take hits from the shredder - and it makes one roll on the ‘Vehicle Damage Table’ at +2 (+3 if open-topped). Psychic Disruption: - Knossos is a genetically gifted para-null, able to restrain or focus her natural anti-psi: All psykers within 6” and under Torrent 4” marker Prond places each round are -1 Leadership, do not generate any Warp Charge (do not add dice to their player’s Warp Pool), and only harness Warp on a 6. Knossos can never be targeted or affected by psychic powers (others in the vicinity that are hit by beam, Nova, or Witchfire powers are affected normally). Maledictions or Blessings by an enemy unit within 6" immediately cease, and opposing units with a Psyker at that range must immediately make a Morale test or fall back. Enemy units within 6" must re-roll Deny the Witch Tests, and those with the Daemon special rule are -1 to their Toughness. If they have Armour instead of Toughness, they add +1 to all rolls on the Vehicle Damage table they suffer when within this range. Poison Darts: Prond’s darts shoot from her mask: The Agent may make an extra dart shooting attack if there is a target within 6”. The agent hits with her dart on a roll of 3+ (regardless of the target’s WS), inflicting a Strength 4 hit with 2+ Poison no matter the target’s toughness, at AP 2 (Invulnerable saves as normal). If there are enemy models in base-to-base contact with the Assassin at the end of her hand-to-hand combat phase, she also gains a single free attack with the same effect. Sentinel Array: This sensor suite processes data at giga-speed, enabling the Agent to engage multiple foes: Prond fires Overwatch at her full Ballistic Skill, and Snap Shots at -3 BS (BS 5, granting ‘Sky-fire’). It also provides her Precision Shot and Precision Strike. This Brand-NEW GW no box Model frame parts comes complete with its own Citadel Base to mount your single mini-masterpiece upon! Here is exactly what you need to enhanced Any Imperial Army, Kill-Team or Squad, and slaughter the weak and foolish Alien filth! Enjoy your great Limited Kill-Team individual Character model kit!! Order one or several different ones my friends, and 'Happy Modeling'!😉NO ONE has a better price anywhere! Plus: we are Not a 'business' - just a group of Game Club members like you doing this to help each other out with needed savings. AND: any proceeds go DIRECT to EBay Charities!! :) -You can SEE from our Feedback - we do GREAT Service and the BEST deal anywhere - but we only get a few allotted for You our members so GRAB yours Fast!SHIPPING-&-HANDLING FEES: This is for SMART buyers, so: WE SHIP SMART, FAST and a Cheap as possible - unless you request/Buy UPGRADED Shipping, Service and Packaging options!! S-&-H? cost is ACCURATE - AND OUR TOTAL PRICE IS STILL MUCH LESS THAN ANY OTHER SELLER! Cost of packaging material (Tape: $2.95; Mailers: $2.49+Travel to Ship; Gas, Car/Van use, computer use and Internet provider, DATA, Labels and PRINTER INK + VERY HIGH EBAY Listing FEES and 'Final Selling Fees' (up to 20% on some Auctions!!); Plus: 3%+ PayPal FEES, POSTAGE, FED EX, USPS & SHIPPING boxes, trash-pick-up - SOOO much stuff!! We hope you all get it! If you order multiples as we Upgrade you to better service to the Front of the shipping Queue (and any extra goes DIRECT to eBay charities). - PLEASE: donate an extra 97-cents+ for FASTER SHIPPING SERVICE (below). You are SAVING SOO MUCH - why not let eBay Charities have 97-cents to get it FASTER! ;) NO RE-SELLERS: as a non-profit club of volunteers, a LOT of for-profit-only 'businesses' work against us here - even though eBay is supposed to be People like us - and we work for eBay Charities!?! :0 DON'T try to get our limited products to re-sell to others. Don't buy is you 'sell' these items yourself. The ONLY rude-feedback we ever have gotten is from -Re-Sellers trying to sabotage us. PLEASE DON'T ASK for even cheaper shipping than we already do -when we are the LOWEST Total price already! PLEASE: ONLY get our Auctions if you Want to be in the Club and do something for Charity. Really -we never get enough product for the good members who need it -so Buy elsewhere if you don't support our eBay Gaming-Charity Works. :) SMART PACKAGING: Cheapest price means low cost - not 'fancy'. Rarely someone says: "the Post Office messed-up the external 'packaging' a little"... Uhhh... yeah - that's why it's called 'Packaging'. You 'open' it -and you Throw It Out! Also: many or our New Model kits come from Brand-New BIG-BOXED Sets -and components are Opened and packaged up in bubble-packs to send out separately. They (obviously) are Brand-New but have no other 'packaging' but the packages we put them in to ship. Also, even when we do have items in original boxes -they are Made-In-China by GW. They travel 20,000 miles on ships and trucks. So they may have superficial exterior crinkles on a box perhaps. If anyone Needs a minty-fresh 'perfect' Box -Please, please buy it Direct from Games Workshop -Pay $40 for their Top-grade Shipping. Or, TELL us in advance and Buy Expedited Upgraded Shipping here and we will make it as super-fresh and pretty as Possible! ;D Feedback and Positive experience: We have a GUARANTEED Return Policy if though you bought something else or you change your mind. So: No One can legitimately have any real 'problem'. NO RISK-return-like-it-never-happened. So anyone leaving false bad feedback obviously want to 'create' a non-existent problem. -So: if there is ever Anything you need us to Help with - We are HAPPY to hear from you and do whatever we can. Just WRITE US! ;D

Price: 33.95 USD

Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

End Time: 2024-02-24T06:36:20.000Z

Shipping Cost: 4.89 USD

Product Images


Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: 15%

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Army: Officio Assassinorum

Modification Description: 1 Model frame-parts & Citadel Base cut fresh from the sprue

Bundle Description: SINGLE Model frame/parts and Citadel Base


Specialist Game: KILL-TEAM

Brand: Games Workshop

Type: Single Miniature

Miniature Condition: NEW

Game: Warhammer 40K

Year: 2022

Recommended Age Range: 9 - 119


Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom


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