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Jay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDY

Description: This is my own personal hard drive purchased several years ago from Jay. I have sold all my companies and have retired. I hope someone else will benefit from all this knowledge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I copied this description as I have difficulty typing. This is a one-of-a-kind RARE Complete Digital Library of Jay Abraham's best work. All on one HARD DRIVE. The bonuses include hard-to-get Dan Kennedy and Joe Polish Materials. The description is below. Tens of thousands of dollars of marketing expertise on one hard drive. For Sale is Jay Abraham's "Lifetime Reference Library" external hard drive. Sells new for $4000. Excellent Condition. Contents of the Hard Drive Include: Jay Abraham"Lifetime Reference Library" Contents Mega-partnership seminar videos [2Videos (MP4) + 2 Transcripts (PDF)] These are approximately 3 hours of videosof me painstakingly explaining exactly, precisely, and totally how you can use: Other people’s ASSETS other people’s ACCESS other people’s INFLUENCE otherpeople’s RESOURCES etc… …to grow your business in an infinite number of ways without risk and without capital investment. Fitness Business Summit 2012[1 Video (MP4) + 1 Slide (PDF)] This is an approximately 2 hour video thatdemonstrates very, very situation-specific ways to apply the strategy ofpreeminence (probably the foremost and most powerful single strategy andphilosophy) in a powerful industry-specific application. Includes explanationsof how to think differently, how to conduct yourself differently, how yourproduct is viewed by the market, how to actuate, and how to challenge yourcurrent belief system and much more… Your Marketing Genius At Work –Reports [15 Reports 1 Letter (PDF)] This represents my classic first– ever, public disseminated, compression-education on how to grow a business bybeing a better strategic marketer. There are 15 segments. It spawned about 2000success stories when it came out. I focused on teaching, illustrating,explaining the most universal/enduring marketing and strategic distinctionsthat apply to every type or size company in existence, and they are stilluniversal and directly translatable today even in a world that is driven bydigital and social media. The Drew Alan Kaplan – Orders of Magnitude SummitLetters [2 Letters (PDF)] I love to model brilliant copywriters. Drew AlanKaplan created the DAK catalog it grew to an aggregate of over $1 billion andwas the preeminent leader in the 1st stages of electronic catalog marketing. Heis recognized as one of the greatest copywriters alive. His specialty wasanalogizing inanimate items with metaphoric/simile type animated mentalvisualizations. Together we wrote a couple of very, very powerful promotionalletters and these are 2 of the best and each one’s about 16 pages and there areenormous elements that should be modeled by anyone in any field. FromMediocrity To Millions [8 Audio (MP3) and 4 PDF] This is a masterfulcourse on transacting strategic alliances, joint ventures, and partneringactivities. I believe it’s a fast-track compression course that every and anybusiness could easily apply, adapt, adopt, and leverage up. The WizardsEdge [17 Audio (MP3)] For one window of time in my life I agreed to letsomeone penetratingly, probingly and unhedgingly interview me once a month forapproximately 17 months on a different distinction of my belief systems, mythought processes, and my strategic training influences. I’ve had disciplinedways I structure and create business altering strategic interventions andembryonic elements in between. People told me that this is perhaps the mostpowerful, intimate, open and revealingly insightful spotlight into my mindsetthey’ve ever listened to — you have to decide for yourself. Billion-dollarMarketing Weekend Day 1 [8 videos (MP4 & AVI)] For a four-year periodI conducted approximately $12 million in marketing weekends a year. I did themin North America. I did them in Australia, I did them in Singapore, Malaysia,London. Each one was different because I kept stretching the envelope tryingnew distinctions and having the audience be part of the dynamic by sharinginsights interpretations and historically successful applications of eachconcept I was teaching so that was more like case study based real life easilygraspable example riddled instruction and it hurtled something like 15,000participants (at $5-$9000 a session) to reach extraordinarily heightened levelsof success. This is one of the best sessions. Understand-however I never evertried to be a polished presenter. I’m an entrepreneur with a prejudice towards beingon the front lines of capitalism. The idea in this and every other unique anddifferent billion-dollar weekend was to engage deeply with real live businesspractitioners. It was a very stimulating process I’m sure you’ll agree. Pay PerClick and Conversion Mastery [(mp3) +(pdf)] This was a high-pricedteleconference-rendered 13 week instructional on how to master the art of payper click and included an extraordinary array of transactional and strategicexplanations by a master, along with my nonlinear interpretive outside-the-boxdisruptive non-technical insights. Very stimulating dialogue. (Jay AbrahamProtégé Group Consultation Calls [Audio (MP3) + Transcript (PDF)] Iconducted 3 classic $10,000-$20,000, per participant, protégé-mentor programs––eachone designed to teach individuals how to either become marketing consultantslike me or marketing directors of another company or if there wereentrepreneurs and own their own business be their own marketing consultant. Theprogram was considered cutting-edge and still today it is seminal thinking topeople who’ve gone on to become outrageously successful marketing consultantsthe world over. Part of that program included me systematically working weekafter week and month after month with groups of 3200 protégés on conferencecalls answering their questions, solving their problems, strategizing theircareers, course correcting their divergent areas — linking and insinuating andinstalling in them a marketing expert mentality. These are 7 approximately 90 min.per session sessions. Each one is situation specific each one has me dealingwith individuals real world application issues. Power to ProfitSeminar [20 Cds (MP3s)] Over my career, probably my most interestingcharacter trait is that I’m a monster of experimentation. I bore quickly ofconducting the same seminar training program or instructional and like tochallenge myself to explore and examine my world of marketing and strategicthinking from a broader and broader continuous array of focal points, paradigms,and worldviews. This was a specialty program I did––one time only 3 day, $5000a person. I believe it’s 20 sessions of MP3s and it’s a very differentspin/slant on my marketing methodology. The League of ExtraordinaryMinds[E-books (pdf, doc, txt), Audio (mp3,flv) This is a massive collection ofinterviews with world-class business experts, consultants, and trainers — andrarefied glimpses into the minds of heads of departments at places like Harvardand Stanford. We ask enormously probative questions of panels of experts in onecategory and wanted to provoke and stimulate a broad array of actionableanswers. This is a very interesting/stimulating resource for anyone who'sserious about building an organization with a culture, team etc. Jay AbrahamPay-Per-Click Advertising Report [ebook, 1 PDF] This was a document weused with the pay per click program helps you actualize the instruction. Theseare some of the additional interview panel discussions we did and it goes bothin audio and transcription forms to get the best of all worlds — you canlisten, and you can read, you can mark, you can you can edit, and you canextrapolate very very powerful product depth of world-class (NOT self-anointedor limited experienced and superficial) gurus with real-world, highly regardedbusinesses. They are Corporate and entrepreneurial experts of the highestmagnitude, whose perspective and experience in commentary is unimaginablyvaluable to anyone trying to build a real business. Mr. X Book [ebook(PDF)] Of all the expensive manual-reference type reference books – the moneymaking secrets/Mr. X book is unrivaled in the success stories it produced andthe actionability it contained. How Get From Where You Are To Where You Want ToBe [Audios (MP3) & Guidebook (PDF)] This is one of the most famouscourses I ever created. It’s a simulation of 6 weeks of what it would be liketo be privately counseled and mentored by me 2 sessions a week, 90 min. asession, and these are the distilled notes. Stealth Marketing [eBook (PDF)]This is a distillation of a $1000/copy book that I sold out the whole entire1st printing of and it was basically the most important questions I ever gotasked and the answers, the most important issues I was ever asked to solve andthe solutions, the most important problems I got posed, and my strategicresolutions. Mediocrity to Millions [1 PDF] This is a classic book I wastalking about earlier. It is a compression of exactly how to master and harnessthe power of strategic alliance/power partnering/joint venturing and fullyleverage relational capital. Protégé 2.0 [691 (mp3)] This is anotherprotégé training program session we conducted in the evolutionary iterativehistory of teaching people how to be marketing consultants or become their ownmarketing consultant or get a job as a marketing director. 2008 Brain TrustSeminar Reunion-Reunion [24 CD rips, total of 32 MP3, 3 ppt, 5 WordDocuments, 1 flv] I brought together 24 of the world’s most respected experts.Everyone from Stephen Covey, Stephen MR Covey, Seth Godin, people from the book“The Secret,” specialists in public relations, to long-term editeditor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine… and I had them provide expert adviceand instruction for entrepreneurs facing a turbulent new world. This was athree-day process. Private Strategic Partnership Program [16 MP3's] Thiswas a $25,000 per person program. People paid me that money to come on stagefor 2 hours and have their entire business reconstructed. To have theiroverriding marketing strategy re-strategized. To have their foundationalbusiness model re-modeled — and have me perform ruthlessly surgicalsuccess-interventions. Protege Reunion [46 Tape (Rips) (MP3) + 3 Recovered(WAV)] We invited 1000 protégés, who had spent approximately $18 million beingtrained to come back for a reunion where we had all kinds of powerfuldiscussions, presentations about how to be a marketing consultant, or marketingdirector, or be your own marketing consultant. This is powerful. Master OfPassive Income Final Call Summary [eBook (PDF)] This was thecrescendo/concluding session of a very cutting-edge program I conducted, onetime only, teaching people how to harness and control toll-positions and createpassive income streams that would sustain for long times to come. This worksummarizes what they got out what they were doing, what they had done — veryinteresting. Business War Room [7 Audio (MP3)] I did 7 world famous groupinterviews of monster quality experts in everything from selling, to marketing,to positioning etc. These are the audios of those 7 approximately 90 min. persession interviews. Master of Passive Income Call [Audio (MP3)] This isjust one of the various consulting calls I did teaching people differentstrategies and structures for orchestrating and engineering passive income forthemselves. Marketing Gorilla Meets Guerrilla Seminar Set [12 Tapes (MP3)]I acquired the rights to offer a powerful seminar a famed marketing expert didto his internal group. This $2000 seminar is focused almost entirely ontactical activities a small business can do using virtually no capital or staffto grow their business. Multiply Results and Profits DVD (2007) [DVD-RIP(AVI)] This is a DVD I did at a session teaching how to multiply profits andmagnify sales. Rich Schefren Jay Abraham Maven Marketing Boot CampBonus [MP3 PDF FLV] These are a bunch of bonuses we gave out when wecreated the now famous one time only maven marketing program that taughtbusiness owners how to become the preeminent thought leaders/distinctive forcein their industry marketplace or sector. Jay Live in London [30 CDs (MP3)]For Jay live in London, I did 4 years of two events a year in London. This isone of those 3-day 30 hour programs and these are some extraordinaryinteractions because I had to work with the more rigid minded group of people,so you’ll see me extending more patient, nurtured, and explanatory expanse thatI oftentimes do in some of the other programs. $580,000 Speech [5 Videos(FLV)] This is a 2-hour presentation I did a few years ago to a sold-outmarketing seminar that ended up generating $580,000 for what came out of it.Modeling what I did, listening to my explanation, and watching me interact withmany consultants is very stimulating. Principles of Geometric Business Growth Volumes1,2,3 [3 ebook (PDF)] Pretty self-explanatory. Maven Call Recording [1MP3] We did group consultations with people who wanted to be marketing maventhought leaders. We go to the most trusted advisors in their business category,and conducted consultative explanatory sessions. PEQ1 Videos [DVD's (AVI)]I orchestrated 3 innovative high priced $15,000 – $25,000 piece sessions overan approximately 12 month period called PEQ 1, PEQ 2 and PEQ cubed. Theyintroduced different ways of thinking that built on my basic formula and theywere collaborations I did with Chet Holmes and we did these originally to myinternal list only and they were extraordinarily valuable and I’ve done 3 or 4other external specialty programs but this was one of the most interesting andthis was the 1st one we did. Swinging For the Fences [PDF] This is anothervery inventive specialty $5000 per person program I did one time only— the nameis pretty self-explanatory as it is what the focus of the program was. PEQ 2 [54CDs (MP3)] This is 54 CDs that we sold to my list and I orchestrated on a wholenew way of thinking. PEQ stood for “Performance enhancement quotient.” Theconcept here was to make the performance of the most critical distinctions inyour business dramatically improve without expending any extra time, effort, orexpense. Fast Cash Generators [eBook (PDF)] Years ago I did a one timeonly distillation of some things a business could do to generate cash fast,quick, easy, almost instantly without spending any capital. 9 drivers ofBusiness Growth [eBook (PDF)] This is my foundational thinking on upsideleverage. Your Secret Wealth [6 CDs (MP3)] This is a set that we did yearsago and it’s a very powerful and it teaches you how to be an intrapreneur… andhow to tap into the logical, intangible wealth that resides within you. AbrahamFactor Seminar [19 DVDs (AVI) + 32 CDs (MP3) + 28 PDFs + 13 Calls (MP3)]Modeling for Millions (July 2007) This was a $2000 set we sold oftranscriptions and e-mails and landing pages of about $30 million worth oftraining group programmings we sold so that you could model it, borrow from it,profit ethically — and adopt, adapt, and be inspired to see how I did things.Masters of passive Income (PDF, AVI, MP3) It’s another session we did on workingwith groups on different specific scenarios and actual case-study-type, realworld, situational applications of how individuals in a group engineered,orchestrated, achieved and created passive income for the self. So it’s agreat, great, great instructional because they are all real. Jay AbrahamMarketing Strategy Setting Super Summit – 86 Hours [68 CD (MP3) + 5workbooks (PDF, DOC)] Wow, wow––this might honestly be the greatestapplication-based, case-study, illustrative example of a rich high-pricedprogram I ever conducted. 33 people each pay $25,000 a-piece to have me and agroup of other experts including Chet Holmes, a famous strategy guide, and afamous salesperson — all group-mastermind breakthrough strategies and businessmodels. Better than that, it was conducted in 3 different parts: part 1 theywould explain their strife, situation and business; part 2 they would havetheir company hot seated which was very probative, penetrating,non-theoretical, and very very revealing. Part 3 at the end they would allstand up and say what they learned not just from their hot seat but also fromobserving everyone else––and from meeting privately with 5 other experts we hadretained in different elements like advertising and strategy setting. We sold5000 sets of the audios of this program alone for $5000 a set. PEQ 2Videos [DVDs (MPG)] This was another $15,000 of the performanceenhancement quotient. It’s very interesting, very experimental, and veryintegrative of trying to combine alternative perspectives and fresh newthinking with mine. Very very very intriguing program. Another master ofpassive income session (June 2007) Again, each one is 90 minutes ofreal-world people posing their problems, their scenarios, their opportunities,their ideas and having me comment. It’s like getting millions of dollars offree advice on how to create passive income and assets of work for you whenyou’re not there, wealth building, income streaming and revenue sources galore.Multiply results and profits DVD (2007) [DVD (ISO)] I believe this was asession I did at one of the Tony Robbin’s $10,000 mastery programs where I wasa keynote presenter for 2 hours. Mastermind Marketing Program [MP3] Thelast one I ever did, the last Mastermind Marketing Program, this was a classic:we sold out the room, we had 105 people on the waiting list that we couldn’tget in, it the most stimulating and wildly stretching for its genre program Iever did and was really classic. Encounters with Jay Abraham [MP3] I did, Ithink, 15 interviews of prominent people like Fran Tarkenton, Tom Phillips andBrian Tracy all on very stimulating subjects and this is the best of thoseinterviews. 345 Confidential, specific, measurable, tangible, quantifiable andundeniable results. This are case study-based success stories that peoplesubmitted in a book we used to publish Ultimate online swipe file Jay AbrahamAds [4 Ads (PDF)] These are ads or letters I wrote, they are great becausepeople can see what I did — and model me! 12 case studies for my privatefiles [ebook (PDF)] These are 12 case studies from my private files, veryinteresting. 25 mastermind strategies [ebook (PDF)] These are 25strategies for outperforming and outthinking the competition. PEQ cubed [3CDs (MP3) PEQ cubed is also one of the coolest things. I did all these coolbreakthroughs and insights and spins and made all these clients come up and wedid takes on them and we sold it for $5000 on the home study course, and$15,000 or $25,000 on live participation. Toronto Seminar [7 CDs (MP3)] Idid a one day or two day in Toronto in 2005 and it was really cool.PEQ2 [26 CDs (MP3)] X Factor program [34 Cassettes (MP3)] Wow, I did2 or 3 X Factors and they were incredible. The concept was moves andmaneuvers so powerful and so impactful and so highly leveraged that even if youmis-executed you couldn’t help but grow your business by doing any one them andit was 3 days worth — very cool. Jay Abraham’s War Room [2 CDs (MP3)]Strategic Marketing We did a $10,000 strategic marketing #128 How to get fromwhere you are to where you want to be [Workbook] It’s a very goodcourse-based, action planning guide that you can use along with the simulatedsix-week examples of what it’s like to work with me. Jay Abraham interviewed byTony Robbins This is my classic interview. Jay Abraham $35,000 library-Guardian Angel Program, Printed Materials [(DOC)] We did a Guardian Angelprogram, these are the printed materials. Protégé SeminarWorkbook [Converted to Word DOC] This was a workbook I did for the Protegeseminar on how to be a marketing consultant, this was part of the $10,000 or$15,000 or $25,000 program. Jay Abraham – 48 tape Protege course [TapeRIPs(MP3s)] Shoulders of Giants [MP3] This is another variation ofencounters with Jay Abraham so they might be the same, they might be differentones. Business Building Breakthroughs without spending a dime. [DOC] JayAbraham Mark Goldman JV mastery [5 e-books (PDFs) + 50 audios (MP3s)] Thisis probably the program and the workbook. We did this together so it probablyis. Strategy of Preeminence [AVI] Thisis me teaching the strategy ofpreeminence. Protege marketing training [(MP3 Audio) (Partial)] It saysMP3 audio partials so it’s just part of one of the programs. I did 6 $15,000 or$20,000 programs. I did one $10,000 short version we had 2 $15,000 version soit’s probably part of 1 each one, it was unique and different so you can growfrom all of them. Australian Mastermind Marketing [16 tapes (MP3)] I didsome of the coolest programs in Australia and I had to be a very clear,non-theoretical communicator because they were very apprehensive and veryworried about my ability to translate my belief system to Australia and it wasa runaway success so this was a $5000 program. How To Optimize Your BusinessPower Talk [Audiobook (MP3)] Structuring deals [3 Audios (MP3)] Mr. Xsales letter [10 ebooks (PDF)] That sales letter sold $28 million worth ofone book for $377 and bought me a beach house so you can probably model it. 502“Abraham Inspired” Case Studies (ebook [PDF]) They’re 502 case studiesthat people shared of their success stories. ¾ of which are really greatsuccess stories. A couple of them aren’t but they’ll give you greatinstruction, great modeling, great inspiration in how to adapt, adopt, andapply my concepts. Something like 600 pages. 16 Weeks of MarketingMadness (ebook [PDF]) Individualized Consultation Transcripts [eBook(PDF)] We sold one time transcriptions of about a million dollars worth ofconsultations, this is that. 87 Question Analysis [Questionnaire (PDF)] 87questions self-analysis to show you how much more your business can beproducing from a marketing or strategic basis. You’ll have answers instantly,it is very self-diagnostic. Mastermind Marketing Training 26Reports [eBook (PDF)] We did an extraordinary final mastermind marketingand I believe that we had each presenter create a compression report thatdistilled what their body of work was all about, if this is that it isincredible. Best-Winning Ads from Jay’s Private Files Book [Book (PDF)] Idid a 400 approximate page collection of enduring ads of others and mine thatare just to die for even today, and they’ll give you IDEAS GALORE. We sold itfor $500. Mastermind Marketing System [6 CDs (MP3) + 1 Workbook (PDF)]This is a distilled version that we created as a fast-track introduction to mastermind marketing. Abraham Factor Pre-Seminar Gifts [6 Audio Calls(MP3) + 4 Interviews (PDF) + 1 Table of Contents (PDF)] These are bonuses we used before one of our seminars. Abraham Factor May 2006 PresentationSlides [PDF] 93 Extraordinary Referral Systems [1 Transcript (PDF)]Private CEO Club Speech [MP3] I gave a very interesting speech to a CEOclub of high-performing midsize companies. Marketing Domination [19 CDs -MP3] This was another program we did, 19 CDs PLUS LOTS, LOTS, MORE…. Place your bid NOW! When it's gone it's gone. Happy Bidding!

Price: 297 USD

Location: Beverly Hills, California

End Time: 2024-12-04T16:25:54.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

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Jay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDYJay Abraham Lifetime Reference Library Hard Drive LIKE DAN KENNEDY

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