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ANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st Ed

Description: Russian Nihilism and Exile Life in Siberia by James W. Buel. St. Louis, MO. Historical Publishing Co., 1883. Hardcover. 1st Edition. Illustrated. James W. Buel visited Russia and Siberia and drew from that trip this remarkable book that offers a comprehensive and chronological look at their history. The book is a fascinating reference source for both teachers and learners alike. From the Title Page: “A graphic and chronological history of Russia's bloody Nemesis, and a description of exile life in all its true but horrifying phases, being the results of a tour through Russia and Siberia made by the author, who carried with him letters of commendation from both the American and Russian Governments.” Illustrated with over 200 engravings. CONTENTS: PURPOSES AND AUSPICES OF MY TRIP THROUGH RUSSIA CHAPTER I - Russian Nihilism. Departure from America - Arrival at the First Russian Port - Defensive Strength of Cronstadt - My Arrest as a "Suspect." - Going Through me for Seditious Papers - Complications Increase Because of my Inability to Speak the Language. - Custom House Examination. -A Quizzical Tout Ensemble. - Droshky Drivers. - Engaging a Guide and Interpreter. - Under Close Surveillance. - Further Embarrassments. - Brought Before the Famous "Third Section." - My Release Accomplished Through the Intercession of our Minister. - Stories About the Third Section. - Horrible Tragedies Enacted Therein. - How Nicholas I used to Punish Female Offenders. - My Meeting With Minister Hoffman, and Presentation of my Official Letters. - He Advises me not to Attempt an Investigation of Nihilism, on Account of Dangers I Would be Certain to Encounter. -Americans not Easily Deterred. - My Introduction to Count Tolstoi, Russian Minister Of the Interior. - My Letter from Minister W. I. Hunt. - A Meeting With the Minister of Police. - Etiquette of the Imperial Court. - The Want of a Dress-Suit Places me in an embarrassing position - An Interview with the Count - He Talks With me Frankly, and Proffers any Assistance in his Power. - Access Granted me to all the Government Records.-The Czar Sends a Note Proffering an Interview. - I submit a Series of Questions of nihilism - One that was Objected to for Decided Reasons, - My Second Meeting With Minister Pleve - How he became Minister of Police - He transmit his Photograph to me in America, With an Autograph letter. CHAPTER II. Some of the Unwritten History of Russia. - Extent, Population and Manner of Government.- Religions, National Debt, Army, and Imperial Expenses. -Kief, the Holy City. - Number of Imperial Palaces, and How They are Maintained. - How Russia was Changed From a Republic to an Autocracy. - Early Wars. -Chronology of the Ruling Dynasty. - Living Members of the Present Imperial Family. - How the Grand Duke Nicholas Became Commander of the Russian Forces in the War With Turkey. - Why his Father Removed Him. - Grand Duke Alexis' Appointment as Admiral of the Russian Navy.-His Discovery of Nihilistic Sentiments Among the Marines. CHAPTER III. The Three Greatest Characters in Russian History. - Some events in the Life of Peter the Great Never Before Made Public. - His Brother an Idiot. - His Fight With Five Assassins. - His Wars with Charles XII of Sweden. - Conspiracies Formed Against Him in his own Army. - Ordering the Decapitation of Three Hundred Men. - A Ghastly Incident of the Execution. - Peter's Infatuation for a Beautiful Woman. - Discovered in a Treasonable Act, she is Ordered to the Block. - How Peter Conducted Himself at her Execution. - “Oh! Beautiful Being, Would That I Could Take Your Place." - He Never Gave a Pardon. - The Founding and Building of St. Petersburg. - Establishment of his Court at Peterhoff. - Striking a Dagger Into the Heart of his own Son. - Securing a Wife for Peter III - Marriage of Catharine II - Domestic Intrigues.- Peter III Orders the Arrest of Catharine II - How the Wily Queen Foiled Her Husband's Purposes. - A Midnight Drive From Peterhoff. - Descent of the Horse Guards Under Catharine Upon the Winter Palace. - Flight of Peter IlI to Cronstadt - A Lovely Letter Which Allured Peter III to His Death. - Assassination of the Ozar by his Wife's Orders.- Circumstances Under Which Paul I was Assassinated. - Policies and Wars Under Catharine II - The Dreadful Massacre of Poles in Warsaw. - Catharine's Debaucheries - A Singular Death-Bed Scene. CHAPTER IV. Russia's Great Rulers. - Difficulties which Confronted Alexander II on his Accession. - The Reforms he Introduced - First Overt Act of Nihilists. - Attack on the Winter Palace in 1825, and Dreadful Slaughter of the Mob. - Alexander Herzen and the Revolutionary Press. - History of Serfdom. - Manumission of the Serfs - Scheme of Liberation as put into Execution by the Emperor - How the Noblemen Lived in Sumptuous Profligacy. - Results of the Liberation. - Revival of Nihilism. - Inflammatory Organs - A Remarkable Manifesto. - "God to be Denied and Every Genius Stifled in its Cradle." - Peculiarities of Russian Students. CHAPTER V. The Polish Insurrection. - First Attempt on the Emperor's Life. - Mysterious Ringing of a Bell in Rappenberg. - Second Attempt to Assassinate Alexander. - First Arrest of Students for Incendiary Speeches. - Revelations by Netschaief. - Complete Expose of the Nihilistic Organization. - How They Recruit, Operate, and Carry on the Work of Murder. CHAPTER VI. Effects of the War With Turkey. - General Trepoff's Brutality.- How he was Shot by Vera Zassulitch. - Remarkable Trial of the Assailant. - The Court, Threatened by a Mob, Forced to acquit her. - Collision Between the Mob and Police. - Escape of Vera. - Her Strange History. - Daughter of a distinguished General, but Persecuted to the Point of Desperation. - Stabbing to Death of General Mezentrieff and Escape of the Assassins. - Attempt on the Life of Alexander II by Solovieff. - All the Large Cities of Russia Placed Under Martial Law. - Execution of Solovieff. - Futility of Repressive Measures. - Correspondence from Nihilists in the Government Offices. - First Resort to Dynamite. - Blowing up of a Train Supposed "to Contain the Emperor. - How and by Whom the Mine was Laid. - Experts in the use of Dynamite Brought into the Service of the Nihilists. - A Dreadful Plot. - Preparations for Blowing up the Winter Palace. - The Terrific Explosion in Which Forty-Five men were Killed. - Accidental Escape of the Emperor. - Impressive Scenes. - Description of the Winter Palace. - Finest Building in the World. - Thousands of Workmen Killed During its Construction. - How the Royal Family Dine. - Establishment of other Repressive Measures. - Count Melikoff Entrusted with Their Enforcement. - Every one Ordered Under Arrest who Should Appear on the Streets After Dark. - Terrorism Inaugurated. - The Dreadful Third Section. - Fate of Muishkin who was Lashed into Insanity. - A Double Execution. - Famous Trial of Sixteen Nihilists. - Remarkable Heroism Displayed by Female Revolutionists - A Desperate Fight with the Police. - History of Distinguished Nihilists on Trial. - Attempted Assassination of Gen. Melikoff. - Execution of his Assailant. CHAPTER VII. The Culminating Event in Nihilistic Vengeance - Alexander II, His Times and Adversities.- A Youthful Witness to the Decembrist's Outbreak. - His Early Inclination Opposed to the Will of His Father. - Forced into the Army. - His Courtship and Marriage. - Suicide of his Father. - Sad Circumstances under which Alexander Accepted the Crown. - The Plot for his Assassination. - Laying a Dynamite Mine in Petersburg. - Secret Plans of the Conspirators. - The City barely Escapes Destruction. - Explosion of the First Bomb.- It Kills two of he Imperial Guard, and Shatters his Majesty's Carriage.-Explosion of the Second Bomb. - The Emperor Mortally Wounded. - Great Excitement. - One of the Assassins Killed by the Bomb he Throws. - The Czar Asks to be carried to the Winter Palace. - Examination of His Wounds. - His Sinking Condition Bulletined by Displaying a Flag from the Palace.- Administration of the Last Sacrament. - Announcement of the Emperor's Death and its effects. - Accession to the Throne of Alexander III. - Funeral Services at the Fortress Chapel. - Description of the Fortress Chapel. - Arrest of the Assassins. - Imperial Officers Arrested for Neglect of Duties. - Uncovering the Secret Mine. - Trial of the Assassins. - Descriptions of the Assassins. - A Bold Speech. - Were the Criminals Tortured? - Condemned to Death. - Efforts of a Mob to Rescue the Prisoners.- A Desperate Fight in which Several are Killed. - One Man Hanged Three Times. - Terrible Scenes at the Gallows. - A Memorial Chapel in Remembrance of the Emperor. CHAPTER VIlI. Accession of Alexander III. - His Dread of the Nihilists. - Removal of the Court Residence to Peterhoff: - Description of the Palace Grounds. - Bewildering Displays of Gold. - How the Emperor Lives. -Precautions Against his Enemies. - High Walls, Double Locks and Bars and Three Cordons of Guards.- Danger of Assassination. - Murder of an Old Gardener by an Imperial Guard, - How Nicholas I Quelled a mob. CHAPTER IX. The Secret Printing Press - Female Heroism.- Personal Characteristics of Lending Female Nihilists - Assassination of Gen. Strelnikoff.- Military Execution of Soukahnoff. - Preparations for the Coronation of Alexander III - A Description of the Grand Votive Church - Discovery of a Dynamite Mine under the Royal Chapel - The Czar's Visit to Moscow -- Secrecy with which his Movements were Conducted - Postponement of the Coronation - Moscow, the Holy City - Pilgrimages to her Shrines. CHAPTER X. Difficulties of Satisfying the two Antagonistic Factions in Russia - Effects of a Conversation with a Russian Minister. - My Reception by the Terrorists. - A Syllabus of the Great State Trials, Prepared by a Female Liberalist. - The Famous Sixteen Conspirators. - Wonderful Sacrifices of Private Fortunes to Aid the Nihilists. - The Assassination of Prince Krapotkin. - Secret Meetings and Pledges to Destroy the Czar. - Too many Volunteer their Services as Assassins. - Arrest of Goldenberg, the Nihilist, and his Astonishing Confession. - A Complete Exposure of all the Terrible Plots laid by Nihilists. - Graphic Description of the Dynamite Mine near Moscow. - How the Conspirators Worked and Averted Suspicion. - Mariana Semiovna's Wonderful Zeal, Cunning, and Bravery. - Resolving to Die Rather than Surrender. - An Ingenious Contrivance to Blow up the House and Themselves should they be Detected - The Siberian Mines. - The Nobler Traits Manifested by Alexander II. - Effects of his Assassination. CHAPTER XI. EXILE LIFE IN SIBERIA. My Youthful Longings to Visit Siberia. - Preparing to Enter the Frozen Wilderness.- Exiles in the Central Dismissal Prison, Moscow. - Sad Sights and Affecting Good-byes between Exiles and their Families. - Woman's Love the same Everywhere. - A Pathetic Incident. - A Visit to the Kremlin. - A Miraculous Picture of Christ. - How Napoleon's Army Tried to Destroy It. - The Great Tower of Ivan Veliki and the Gigantic Bell. - Off for Nijni Novgorod with an American Companion. - A Visit to the Nijni Fair. - Daylight and Night-time Scenes. - Description of Nijni. - A Voyage down the Volga and up the Kama. - How People Travel on Russian Steamers. - Inveterate Gambling. - Arrival at Perm. - Railroading Across the Ural Mountains. - Appearance of Nijni Tagilsk. - Visit to the Iron and Malachite Mines. - My First Step on Siberian Soil - The Journey to Ekaterineberg, and how Mining for Malachite is Conducted CHAPTER XII. Preparations for Overland Traveling. - Engagement of a Tarantass and Yemtschik - Description of Each. - Off with a Dash. - Fears and Misgivings. - Arrival at the First Post Station. - A Tea Drinking People. - Travelling Throughout the Night. - Some of the Discomforts I Endured. - Forty-one Hours in a Tarantass. - Arrival at Tieumen, Hungry, Sore and Intensely Miserable. - A Dinner of Black Bread and Salt.- A Talk with the Governor. - His History Respecting the Origin of Banishment as a Punishment. - Boris Godunolf's Idea. - An Enforced Settlement of Siberia. - Privileges of Village Courts. - Offences Punishable by Deportation. - Those in Exile Generally better Educated than the Masses. - How Prisoners are Transported. - Driven Two Thousand Miles Under the Stinging Lash. - Witnessing the Departure of Exiles from Tieumen. - Resumption of my Journey Eastward. - Engaging a Tumbril. - Bad News. - Checked by a Swollen Stream. - Trying to Pass the Rubicon. - Capsized, Bag and Baggage, in a Swift-flowing Creek. - Lost in the Jungles. - A Night of Terror. - The Most Miserable Twenty-four Hours of my Life. - Appearance of a Tartar Belle. CHAPTER XII. Arrival at Tobolsk. - Description of the City. - A Famous Bell that was Exiled with the Uglitch Insurrectionists. - My First Insight into a Siberian Prison. - How the Prisoners Labor. - Punishment by the Knout. - Heavy Manacles and Their Effects.- Treatment of Female Convicts. - Punishment with the Plete - Engagement of Another Interpreter - A Trip by Steamer from Tobolsk to Tomsk. - The Ostjak People. - How They Capture Fish in the Obi. CHAPTER XIV. Debarkation at Tomsk. -How Russia Evades the Sacred Law. - Description of the prisons in Tomsk. - Departure for Krasnoiarsk by Tumbril. - A Horrid Dream. - Meeting with a Convoy of Prisoners. - Tipping the Chief Guard. - Heavy Shackles Worn by the Convicts. - A Pitiable Instance of Maltreatment. - Examination of an Exile at a Post-Station - Mortified Ankles and Wrists with the Tendons Exposed - May I Never see Another Sight so Horrible - Appearance of a Female Convict in Irons - The Flesh Worn from Her Neck - Wives and Little Children Voluntarily Accompanying the Exiles. CHAPTER XV. Inspection of the Prison at Krasnoiarsk. - Convicts Driven to Insanity. - A Hospital for Maniacs. - The Chains not Removed from Exiles who Fall ill - A Sad Case in Point. - Crossing the Yenisei River by Means of a Flying Bridge - Purchasing an Outfit in which to Visit Yeniseisk. - A Trip Off the Highway. - Camping Out in a Siberian Forest. - What Was That? - Exciting Adventure with a Bear - Bear Hunting with Whips. CHAPTER XVI. Arrival at Yeniseisk. - In the Midst of a Furbearing Country.- Novel way of Catching Bears. - Description of the Tundras.- Frigidity that Freezes Those Who Read About It. - Sledging and Camping in a Frozen Wilderness. - Witnessing the Departure of Tanguese for Their Winter Hunt, - Catching Sables.- Elk Hunting. - How Reindeer are Taken and Domesticated CHAPTER XVII. Siberia Rich in Precious Metals. - My Visit to a Mine Worked by Convict Labor. - How the Mining is Conducted. - Conveying Gold by Convoys to Irkoutsk.- My Meeting With an Exile. - Determined to Visit His Abode. - Description of his Hut. - The Exile's Story. - Torn Away from Home and Sent into Exile Without Trial. - Terrible Sufferings on the Transport Route. - Sent Down into the Mines. - Flagellation with the Scorpion. - Tearing Pieces of Flesh out of the Back.- A Pitiable Tale of Woe. - Message Which the Exile Begged me Carry to his Wife. CHAPTER XVIII. Travelling in a Strange Country after Night. - Wolves! a Successful Shot. - The Governor's Story. - A Terrible Ride to Alexandreffsky Prison. - Chased by Wolves. - Discharging the Last Shot. - Attacked in the Troika. - Down go the Outside Horses. - Three Furious Wolves Drag the Driver From His Seat. - Fighting with a Gun Barrel. - The most Desperate Encounter ever Described. - Succor Arrives, but too Late to Save the Horses and Driver. - My Departure for Irkoutsk.-Wolves on the Highway.- Why I Slept in a Roadside Inn. - Fast Travelling in Siberia. CHAPTER XIX. Situation of Irkoutsk. - Attending the Races - How Horses are Trained for Racing. - Visit to the Prisons. - Refused Admission. - Meeting with an Exile from Kara. - His Statements of How Prisoners are Treated at Kara. - Brutalities of Vicious Guards. - The Russian Law for Punishing Convicts. -Probationary Sentences. - No Quick-Silver Mines in Siberia.- Working Under Ground. - Superstitions of Exiles. - Political Offenders at Kara. - The Prison Hospital. - Punishments that Make Maniacs of the Convicts. - Dreadful Sights in the Hospitals. - Branding of Convicts. - Dangers Incurred in Attempts to Escape. - How I Verifed Stories Told me by Exiles. CHAPTER XX. The Native Tribes of Siberia. - Prominence of the Ostjak People. - How they Hunt and Fish. - The Samoyeds. - Kirghiz Tartars, Their Proclivities for Robbing and Fighting. - The Buriats. - The Goldi, Their Strange Burial Customs. - The Gilyaks. - Hunters and Polygamists. - Bear Hunting by Gilyaks, - How They Capture the Most Dangerous Animals - Festival of Killing the Bear. - Strange Superstitions and Ceremonies. - Amulets of Bears' Claws. - The Tunguse and Kirghiz. - How they Live. CHAPTER XXI. Making Irkoutsk my Headquarters. - Cosmopolitan Character of the Place. - Meeting With an American. - His Description of the Island Sakhalein. - Treatment of Exiles at the Dui Mines.-Dreadful Cruelties Practiced on Exiles at the Dui Mines.- Rewards Paid for the Heads of Escaping Convicts. - How the Gilyaks Hunt Exiles. - Description of the Natives on Sakhalein. - Nikolaefsk Prison. - Insanity Caused by Brutal Treatment. - Attempts to Escape. - Killing Convicts for Their Clothes. - Cannibalism Among a Battalion of Troops. - Horrors of a Snow Storm. - The Manzas Robbers. CHAPTER XXII. Description of Yakoutsk. - Belles of Yakoutsk Riding on Oxen Astride. - The Coldest Spot on Earth. - Killing of Reindeer by Yukaghirs. - The Yakutes. - Their Peculiar Customs.- Riding Reindeer. - Settlement of Yakoutsk by Exiles. - The Scopsi. - A Religious Sect that Practices Castration. - Founding their Faith upon St. Matthew and St. Paul. - Doctrines - Expounded by Scopsi Priests. - How the Operation of Castration is Performed. - Similar Practices in Italy and Turkey.-Unsexing of Children for Mercenary Purposes. - Penal Quarters at Villiski. CHAPTER XXIII. Interesting Facts Concerning the Lena River. - A Description of the Country which it Drains. - Early Adventurers who Crossed Siberia. - A Trip Around the World on Foot and by Ship. - Three Famous Voyages Down the Lena. - Discovery of Fossil Remains. - A Chinese Legend of the Mammoth. - Legend of the Samoyeds. - A Winged Rhinoceros. - Discovery of the Great Mammoth. - Scientific Theories. - An Island Formed of Mammoth Bones. - Captain Nordenskjold's Voyage Through the Arctic Ocean and Down the Lena. CHAPTER XXIV. Other Penal Mines of Siberia. - Dreadful Treatment of Convicts at Nertchinsk. - Testimony of two Gentlemen who Visited the Mines. - My Interview with Three Men who had Served Long Sentences at Nertchinsk. - Exiles Working Three Hundred Feet Underground. - Never Permitted to see the Light of Day. - Working While Weighted Down with Manacles. - How the Men are Punished. - Tied over a Beam and Whipped with the Scorpion.- Drawn up and then Lacerated with the Knout,- Beating Convicts into Insensibility or Insanity. - Effects of Constant Labor in the Mines. - Sights more Terrible than Dancing Skeletons. - Witchcraft. - Torturing Women Accused of Practicing the Black Art. - A Humane Spirit Extending Towards Siberia. CHAPTER XXV. Preparing for My Return to Russia. - Troubles with My Bear Skin. - Visit to the Convict Mines at Nijni Udinsk. - Taking a New Route. - Dreadful Exposures Experienced on the Return Journey. - Virtues of My Guide. - Big Game.- A Bare-Back Chase after Siberian Antelope. - Wounding of a Big Buck. - A Five Mile Race. - Securing the Prize. - Our Camp at Night. - Arrival at Orenberg; its People and Features. - The Long Bridge at Samara. - Visit to a Serf Village. - Great Changes that have Taken Place Since the Liberation. - Relation of Noblemen and Peasants. - Comparison of Serfs with Southern black people. CHAPTER XXVI. Strange Superstitions Among the Peasantry. - How Rooster Crowing is Interpreted. - Pigeons Regarded as Holy Birds.- Reverence for Icons. - Haunted by Good and Evil Spirits. - A Singular Sight I Witnessed in Moscow. - The Black and White Clergy. - Why the Serfs are so Poor. - The Wonderful Splendor of Russian Churches. - A Drunken Priesthood. - Another Cause for Nihilism. - One Hundred Annual Holidays. - Agriculture in Russia. - Primitive Husbandry. - Harvesting with Small Sickles. - Threshing with Flails. - Women in the Harvest Field, Decked in Gay Colors. - Some of the Obstacles to Russian Farming. - Division of Lands upon Communistic Principles. - What Her Agriculturists Most Need. - Natural Advantages of Russia. - What a Great Country for Emigrants, if the Laws were Liberal. CHAPTER XXVII. Renewing Relations with Count Tolstoi. - Differences Between Moscow and St. Petersburg. - Services at St. Isaac's Cathedral. - Description of the Cathedral. - Bowing Down Before Images. - A Big Thing in Candles. - Assuming an Attitude of Prayer Under Difficulties. - Famous Russian Choirs. - A Paralytic Carried to the Image of Christ. - Faithful Efforts but no Cures. - A Te Deum in the Alexander Monastery Sung by Monks and Neophites. - $25,000 for a Burial Place in the Monastery. - Strange Incident in the Life of a Lady Superior.- How she Spent $20,000,000 to Improve the Condition of the Poor. - But the Money Belonged to the Church. - Her Arrest, Trial, Conviction, and Sentence. - Pardoned by the Emperor and Reinstated. - Honored Above all Other Women. - Description of the Monk Choir. - Heavenly Music. - My Entrancement. - Singing for God and the Dead. - Disturbance Created by the Employment of a Monk Tenor. - An Ovation that was Next to a Riot. - A Silver Sarcophagus Containing the Bones of a Patron Saint. - Trouble Caused Peter the Great by Priests who Stole the Sacred Bones. - $250,000 for a Casket. CHAPTER XXVIII. A Visit to the Cathedral Kazan. - Canonization of Lady Kazan. - Clothed with Vestments of Great Value, and Crowned with Precious Stones. - A $100,000 Diamond, and a $500,000 Sapphire. - $200,000,000 Invested in Church Property. - The Church Supported by Poor People. - Holiday Celebrations. - Ceremony of Blessing the Waters. - Miraculous Properties Supposed to be Imparted by Priests. - Bottling the Waters for Medicinal Purposes. - Celebration of St. George's Day. - Release of Domestic Animals that are Sprinkled with Holy Water. - Observance of Recollection Monday. - Paganish Rites in the Cemeteries. - Revival of Old Jewish Customs.- Shocking Bacchanalia in the Cemeteries. - Drunkenness and Lewdness Among Priests and Parishioners. - Charging a Fixed Fee for Prayers. - No Middle Class in Russia. - Government Taxes all Paid by the Poor - How Guild Merchants are Created. - Society in St. Petersburg. - The Ten Commandments of Catharine II. - Requirements for Admission into Society. - Court Balls. - Flagrant Conduct as Told in Strange Stories. - Witnessing a Genuine Russian Dance. CHAPTER XXIX. Summer Cottages of the Rich at Parvelosk. - Life in St. Petersburg During Winter. - The Two Principal Streets, - Ice Palace on the Neva River and the Grand Balls Given in it. - Courtship Marriage, and Domestic Life in Russia. - Courting by Proxy. - Beauty Among the Rich and Homeliness Among the Peasantry. - Making Love Through Accordians,.-Fathers Courting for Their Sons. - The Matchmaker. - How This Professional Body Plies Her Arts. -Fedotoff's Celebrated Painting, With a Description. - A Pleasing Description of a Russian Marriage. - Eastern Customs in Russia. - Who'll be My Butterfly? - The Tribulations of Married Life. - How Russians Chastise Their Wives.-- A Painful Incident.-Women Declared by the Church to Have no Souls. - Worked Harder Than Domestic Animals. HISTORY OF JEWISH OUTRAGES IN RUSSIA. CHAPTER XXX. My Interview With Count Tolstoi Concerning the Jews. - Indifference Manifested by the Government. - The Czar's Personal Application to Rothschild for a Loan. - Abrupt Termination of the Interview. - Count Ignatieff's Policy in Dealing With the Jews. - How he Issued Dreadful Orders, But Prevented Their Execution. - His Removal Accomplished by Jews. - Bribery in the Imperial Court. - Inability to Procure Information of Jewish Outrages in St. Petersburg. - My Decision to Visit Warsaw. - Description of my Rail Journey From Moscow to Warsaw. - Having no Interpreter I Fall into Trouble.-Stopping the Train to Let the Passengers Get Drunk. - Conflict Between Passengers and Troops. - How Railroading is Conducted in Russia. - Ten Miles an Hour and no Sleeping-Car. - Humorous Scene in a Brest Eating House. - Why I Got up and Crowed Like a Rooster. - Gaining a Sudden Popularity. CHAPTER XXXI. Arrival at Warsaw. - Description of the City. - Introduced to the Mayor and Other Functionaries. - A Drive With the Mayor - Visit to Lazienski's Park. - A Beautiful Lake and Two Ancient Palaces. - Description of a Novel Theatre Which was Built for Kings.- Mementoes of a Glory Now Departed. - Poland, the Hero's Elysian. - Her History Written in Blood. - Visit to Wilanow Palace. - The Home of Sabienski, Poland's Greatest King. - A Property That has Escaped Russian Confiscation. - Sights in and Around the Palace. - Description of Three Wonderful Sun-Clocks.- A Drive Through the Jewish Quarters. - Remarkable Homogeneity of the Race.- How the Polish Jews Live, Dress, and do Business. - Foul Smells From Foul Bodies. - Certain Occasions When the Jews use Bacon. - How They Enforce Recognition From the Aristocracy. CHAPTER XXXII. Some of the Causes for Jewish Outrages. - Fanatical Zeal and Love of Plunder. - Dreadful Riot at Elizabethgrad. - Thirty Jewesses Outraged and Several Killed. - Destruction of $1,000,000 of Property. - Proclamations Issued Declaring Russians Entitled to all Jewish Property. - Mobs, Infuriated With Drink, Wreaking a Dreadful Vengeance. - The Riot at Smielo in which Thirty Jews are Killed, and Sixteen Hundred Rendered Homeless. - Terrible Massacre at Kiew. - Soldiers Aiding the Mob. - Refusal of the Governor to Protect the Jews. - Outrages at Kief. - Stoning Children to Death, Murdering Old Men, Raping Women, and Burning Jewish Homes.- Second Attack at Kief. - Desolation Everywhere. - Twelve Towns in Flames at one Time. - Barrelling up Jews and Casting Them Into the Dnieper. - Outrages at Odessa. - $1,500,000 Worth of Property Destroyed. - Third Attack at Kief. - The Mob led by Merchants. - The Sarah Bernhardt Riots at Warsaw and Kief. - The Terrible Riots at Warsaw. - Streets Deluged With Blood. - Count Ignatieff Held Accountable. - Soldiers Uniting With the Mob. - No Protection for the Jews. CHAPTER XXXIII. The "Red Cock " Crowing Over Fifteen Towns. - Attacks on the Jews of all Western Russia. - 6,000 Jews driven From Their Homes in Minsk, and Their Houses Burned. - $80,000,000 Worth of Property Destroyed. - Red-Handed Murder. - Lurid Faced Arson and Foul Visaged Outrage Stalking Through Every Jewish Village. - 100,000 Jewish Families Reduced to Beggary. - Governors of Provinces, Government Officers and Troops all Encouraging the Mobs - 4,000 Jews Expelled Prom Kief. - A Government Fine for Harboring Jews Over Night. - A Governor Ordering 5,000 Jews to Quit His Province. - Sad Scenes of the Last Meetings of Jews in Their Synagogues. - Issuance of a Singular Rescript. - The Government’s Reply to Jewish Complaints. - Charging the Jews with Monopolizing Trade and of Swindling Russian Subjects - Appointment of Commissions to Investigate the Causes of AntiSemitic Prejudices. - Dismissal of Commissions That had Made Their Reports Favorable to the Jews. - Observations on the Short-Comings of the Government - Are Three and One-Half Millions of People to Perish Because They are Jews? CHAPTER XXXIV. Distribution of the Jews.- Poles and Jews Generally Harmonize.- Influence of Mussulmans in the Caucasus. - Singular Prejudices at Odessa. - Other Nationalities than Russians Opposing the Jews. - Causes Assigned.- The Cry of "Mad-Dog." - Charges Made Against the Jews. - Do they Violate the Laws? - My Experience with Russians. - A Land Cursed by Swindlers. - An Irish Millionaire's Experience; Laughable, but Typical. - The September Proclamation Against the Jews Indefensible. - A National and Governmental Weakness. - Jews No Worse than Russians. - Christians Placed in a Bad Light. - How Italians Beat the Jews. - A Means by which Russians Might Correct the Evils now Complained Of - A Lesson for Russia and Germany. CHAPTER XXXV. Review of My Trip Through Russia and Sibria. - The Largest Nation on Earth.- The Russians and the Turks. - Hideous Evidence of Muscovite Valor. - Meaning of the Word Czar. - The Czar "Above All," and Chief Counsellor of Deity. - Ignorance and Slavery of the Russian Masses. - Bound Down by Church and State. - Poverty-Stricken and Debt-Ridden.-Church Indulgences and Government Corruptions. - What Russia Must Do to Place Herself on an Equality with Other Civilized Nations. - Nihilism Apparently her only Hope. CONDITION: This book is in acceptable condition. Tight binding, clean text. The cover is very worn, ripped, soiled, scuffed, stained, torn, and it is loosening/separating from spine but still attached. The name of previous owner is written on the endpaper at the front of the book. Pages have turned yellow from age. Please see pictures. THE PICTURES ARE TO BE CONSIDERED AS PART OF THE DESCRIPTION. PLEASE REVIEW THEM FOR A BETTER IDEA OF CONDITION.

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ANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st EdANTIQUE BOOK Russian Nihilism HISTORY RUSSIA Siberia WAR superstitions 1st Ed

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Binding: Hardcover

Place of Publication: St. Louis, MO

Topics: Nihilism, Siberia, Political repression, Indigenous peoples

Signed: No

Publisher: Historical Publishing Co.

Russian Culture: people, women, traditions, superstitions, ceremonies

Modified Item: No

Subject: History, Nonfiction, Politics and Government, Judaism

Year Printed: 1883

Original/Facsimile: Original

Language: English

Illustrator: various

Special Attributes: 1st Edition, Illustrated, Rare

Region: Russia

Personalized: No

Author: James W. Buel

Features: 1st Edition, Illustrated

Subtopics: Corruption, Antisemitism, Discrimination, Massacres

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Topic: War & Military, ideology, Politics, Religion, beliefs, Press

Subjects: Exploration and travel, travelogues, Russian history

Character Family: History of Russia


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