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244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB

Description: Gold Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 244 Books This is the most complete collection on USB FLASH DRIVE for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVEreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This USB contains 244 interesting books about Gold. You will discover information on many topics such as ancient and modern gold, mining, metallurgy, arts of assaying, practical treatise, production and consumption of precious metals, artworks, metals, goldsmith, diamond drilling and other minerals, and much more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Gold! Contents: Ancient and modern gold and silver smiths' work in the South Kensington Museum (1878) - Pollen, J. H. - 658 pages Dredging for gold in California (1907) - Weatherbe, D. - 238 pages Placer mining for gold in California (1946) - Averill, C. V. - 376 pages Something from the gold diggings in Sutherland (1869) - Campbell, J. F. - 31 pages The metallurgy of gold; a practical treatise on the metallurgical treatment of gold-bearing ores including the assaying, melting, and refining of gold (1900) - Eissler, M. - 777 pages Underground treasures: how and where to find them (1881) - Ortan, J. - 178 pages A blind lead : the story of a mine (1888) - Bates, J. W. - 266 pages A compendium of gold metallurgy (ores) and digest of U.S. mining laws, water rights, desert land law, etc. (1901) - Wade, E. M. - 186 pages A familiar explanation of the art of assaying gold and silver (1847) - Watherston, J. H. - 76 pages A gold hunter's experience (1898) - Hambleton, C. J. - 128 pages A ground floor opportunity (1900) - n.a. - 52 pages A handbook of gold milling (1894) - Louis, H. - 530 pages A history of the precious metals, from the earliest periods to the present time (1849) - Comstock, J. L. - 241 pages A manual of assaying: the fire assay of gold, silver (1901) - Miller, A. S. - 184 pages A Manual of Assaying; The Fire Assay of Gold, Silver, and Lead (1908) - Miller, A. S. - 189 pages A manual of fire assaying (1907) - Fulton, C. H. - 200 pages A manual of metallurgy, more particularly of the precious metals, but including such others as are employed in dental practice (1862) - Makins, G. H. - 480 pages A Manual of Practical Assaying (1893) - Furman, H. V. F. - 413 pages A microscopic study of the silver ores and their associated minerals (1917) - Guild, F. N. - 80 pages A Practical Manual of Chemical Analysis and Assaying (1872) - De Koninck, L. L. - 241 pages A practical treatise on hydraulic mining in California (1887) - Bowie, A. J. - 356 pages A practical treatise on testing and working silver ores (1876) - Aaron, C. H. - 130 pages A preliminary report on a part of the gold deposits of Georgia (1896) - Yeates, W. S. - 619 pages A text-book of assaying for the use of those connected with mines (1921) - Beringer, C. - 520 pages A textbook of fire assaying (1922) - Bugbee, E. E. - 274 pages A textbook on metallurgy of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc (1902) - n.a. - 787 pages A touch-stone for gold and silver wares (1677) - Badcock, W. - 156 pages A Treatise on Concentration of All Kinds of Ores (1868) - Guido K. - 286 pages A treatise on prospecting; blowpiping, mineralogy, assaying, geology, prospecting, placer and hydraulic mining; with practical questions and examples and answers to questions (1899) - n.a. - 672 pages A Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mercury (1872) - Bodemann, T. - 227 pages A treatise on the law of gold-mining in Australia and New Zealand (1901) - Armstrong, H. J. - 770 pages Accounts of gold mining and exploration companies. With instructions and forms for rendering the same to the head office (1901) - Donald, T. - 106 pages After Ophir, or, A search for the South African gold fields (1873) - Lindley, A. F. - 342 pages Alaska and the Klondike gold fields (1897) - Harris, A. C. - 580 pages All about gold, gems, and pearls in Ceylon (1881) - Ferguson, A. M. - 202 pages Allen's guide book and map to the gold fields of Kansas & Nebraska and Great Salt Lake City (1953) - Allen, O. - 74 pages All's not gold that glitters (1853) - Haven, A. B. - 234 pages An historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals Vol.1 (1831) - Jacob, W. - 404 pages An historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals Vol.2 (1831) - Jacob, W. - 436 pages Art work in gold and silver, mediaeval 1882 - Wheatley, H. B. - 84 pages Assaying in three parts Part 1 (1885) - Aaron, C. H. - 156 pages Assaying in three parts Part 2 and 3 (1885) - Aaron, C. H. - 180 pages Basic placer mining (1963) - n.a. - 16 pages Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group: platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1748-1896 (1897) - Howe, J. L. - 330 pages Big Smoky Silver Mining Company, Nevada (1866) - n.a. - 48 pages Buried millions: where do gold and silver go? (1878) - Smith, J. - 20 pages California and its gold mines (1853) - Allsop, T. - 160 pages California Gold Book; First Nugget, Its Discovery and Discoverers (1893) - William, W. A. - 481 pages Canada as a producer of the precious metals (1899) - Ingall, E. D. - 34 pages Charter and by-laws of the Baltimore and North Carolina Copper and Gold Mining Company (1883) - n.a. - 12 pages Colorado Territory (1866) - Tappan, S. F. - 20 pages Cripple Creek (1896) - Atchison, T. - 56 pages Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores: A Practical Treatise on the Cyanide Process (1904) - Julian, H. F. - 472 pages Description of the Consolidated Gold Dirt Mines (1879) - Rollins, J. - 28 pages Designs for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. (1869) - Holbein, H. - 56 pages Diamond drilling for gold and other minerals (1900) - Denny, G. A. - 188 pages Digging gold among the Rockies; or, Exciting adventures of wild camp life (1880) - Ingham, G. T. - 562 pages Distribution of energy in the spectra of platinum, palladium, and tantalum (1913) - McCauley, G. V. - 31 pages Drag bucket gold dredge (1910) - n.a. - 20 pages Dredges and gold dredging (1910) - n.a. - 50 pages Drilling for placer gold (n.d.) - Gardner, W. H. - 204 pages Early records of Gilpin county, Colorado, 1859-1861 (1920) - Marshall, T. M. - 346 pages Economic mining; a practical handbook for the miner, the metallurgist and the merchant (1895) - Lock, C. G. W. - 688 pages Elements of metallurgy : a practical treatise on the art of extracting metals from their ores (1887) - Phillips, J. A. - 889 pages En route to the Klondike; a series of photographic views Part 1 (1898) - La Roche, F. - 40 pages En route to the Klondike; a series of photographic views Part 2 (1898) - La Roche, F. - 35 pages English goldsmiths and their marks (1921) - Jackson, C. J. - 778 pages Enhancing percolation rates in heap leaching of gold-silver ores (1979) - Heinen, H. J. - 28 pages Famous gold nuggets of the world (1900) - Hurley, T. J. - 72 pages Field testing for gold and silver : a practical manual for prospectors and miners (1911) - Merritt, W. H. - 182 pages Fire Assaying; a Practical Treatise on the Fire Assaying of Gold, Silver and Lead (1907) - Buskett, E. W. - 129 pages Fraser-Cariboo gold rush; the boom that founded British Columiba (n.d.) - Coutant, F. R. - 52 pages Geological sketches of the precious metal deposits of the western United States (1885) - Emmons, S. F. - 124 pages Geology and gold deposits of the Cripple creek district (1906) - Lindgren, W. - 614 pages Geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district, with atlas (1882) - Becker, G. F. - 476 pages Getting Gold; A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners, and Students (1898) - Johnson, J. C. F. - 255 pages Gold and silver money (1882) - Tidman, P. F. - 144 pages Gold and silver ores, what is their value? (1897) - Merritt, W. H. - 107 pages Gold and silver smiths' work (1879) - Pollen, J. H. - 176 pages Gold and silver; comprising an economic history of mining in the United States, the geographical and geological occurrence of the precious metals, with their mineralogical associations, history and description of methods of mining and extraction of values, and a detailed discussion of the production of gold and silver in the world and the United States (1908) - Crane, W. R. - 796 pages Gold assaying : a practical handbook giving the modus operandi for the accurate assay of auriferous ores and bullion and the chemical tests required in the processes of extraction by amalgamation, cyanidation and chlorination : with an appendix of tables and statistics (1904) - Phillips, J. - 162 pages Gold deposits of North Carolina (1896) - Nitze, H. - 238 pages Gold dredging in California (1908) - Doolittle, J. E. - 136 pages Gold dust; how to find it and how to mine it (1898) - n.a. - 205 pages Gold fields of Alaska; Klondike gold fields and Northwest Territory (1897) - n.a. - 145 pages Gold fields of the Yukon and how to get there (1897) - Crewe, E. O. - 68 pages Gold hunting in Alaska (1901) - Grinnell, J. - 108 pages Gold in the province of Quebec, Canada (1898) - Obalski, J. - 101 pages Gold mining and milling in Western Australia, with notes upon telluride treatment, costs, and mining practice in other fields (1903) - Charleton, A. G. - 681 pages Gold ornaments from United States of Colombia (1887) - Kunz, G. F. - 32 pages Gold placers of California (1923) - Haley, C. S. - 196 pages Gold, or, Legal regulations for the standard of gold & silver wares in different countries of the world (1877) - n.a. - 144 pages Gold, prices, and the Witwatersrand (1919) - Lehfeldt, R. A. - 148 pages Gold; its geological occurrence and geographical distribution (1908) - Maclaren, J. M. - 799 pages Gold; legal regulations for the standard of gold & silver wares in different countries of the world (1878) - Studnitz, A. - 174 pages Guide to the value of California gold (1850) - Edelman, G. W. - 16 pages Guide to the Yukon gold fields; where they are and how to reach them (1897) - Wilson, V. - 142 pages Handbook of metallurgy Vol.1 (1898) - Schnabel, C. - 907 pages Handbook of metallurgy Vol.2 (1898) - Schnabel, C. - 757 pages Handbook of mining details (1912) - n.a. - 400 pages Hidden mines, and how to find them (1895) - Newman, W. T. - 162 pages Hittel on gold mines and mining (1864) - Hittell, J. S. - 60 pages How to mine and prospect for placer gold (1971) - West, J. M. - 52 pages Hydrometallurgy of silver, with special reference to chloridizing roasting of silver ores and the extraction of silver by hyposulphite and cyanide solutions (1907) - Ottokar, H. - 368 pages Illustrated history of the United States mint (1897) - Evans, G. G. - 244 pages In bad company, and other stories (1901) - Boldrewood, R. - 544 pages In richest Alaska and the gold fields of the Klondike (1897) - Ingersoll, E. - 510 pages In search of El Dorado : a wanderer's experiences (1905) - Macdonald, A. - 392 pages Instructions for collecting, testing, melting and assaying gold (1848) - Kent, E. N. - 44 pages Klondike, the land of gold (1897) - Stansbury, C. F. - 190 pages Laboratory instructions for fire assays of gold, silver, and lead (1913) - Morley, W. S. - 56 pages Land, labour, and gold; or, Two years in Victoria (1858) - Howitt, W. - 636 pages Leaching gold and silver ores in the West (1883) - Egleston, T. - 28 pages Leaching gold and silver ores. The Plattner and Kiss processes. A practical treatise (1881) - Aaron, C. H. - 218 pages Losses In Gold Amalgamation (1890) - Duffield, P. W. - 152 pages Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead Ores (1883) - Brown, W. L. - 327 pages Metallurgical analysis and assaying; a three years' course for students of schools of mines (1903) - Macleod, W. A. - 406 pages Metallurgy; the art of extracting metals from their ores, and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture (1861) - Percy, J. - 662 pages Modern assaying; a concise treatise describing latest methods and appliances (1910) - Smith, J. R. - 194 pages My adventures on the Australian goldfields (1903) - Craig, W. - 384 pages Nevada and California processes of silver and gold extraction (1868) - Küstel, G. - 362 pages Notes on assaying (1902) - Ricketts, P. - 352 pages Notes on assaying and metallurgical laboratory experiments (1915) - Lodge, R. W. - 346 pages Notes on gold extraction by means of cyanide of potassium (MacArthur-Forrest patents), as carried out on the Witwatersrand gold fields, Transvaal, South Africa (1894) - Feldtmann, W. R. - 38 pages Notes on Placer Mining in Alberta (1938) - n.a. - 52 pages Notes on the gold of eastern Canada (1864) - n.a. - 40 pages Notes on the treatment of gold ores (1889) - O'Driscoll, F. - 242 pages On the modes of extracting gold from its ores (1852) - Percy, J. - 5 pages On two new electrochemical processes for the extraction of silver and gold from their ores (1905) - Vaygouny, M. - 74 pages Opals and agates (1892) - Bartley, N. - 350 pages Parting gold and silver by means of iron at Lautenthal (1885) - Egleston, T. - 20 pages Placer gold recovery methods (1986) - Silva, M. A. - 40 pages Platinum and allied metals in California (1919) - Logan, C. A. - 156 pages Pocket manual of mining: for the use of mining men, lawyers, business men, prospectors, and those interested in the mineral resources of Canada (1897) - Chewett, J. H. - 158 pages Pomeroy's Mining Manual for Prospectors, Miners and Schools (1881) - Pomeroy, H. R. - 133 pages Popular fallacies regarding precious-metal ore deposits (1884) - Williams, A. - 36 pages Practical blowpipe assaying (1881) - Attwood, G. - 264 pages Practical gold-mining; its commercial aspects (1902) - Welton, W. - 224 pages Practical instructions for the determination by furnace assay, of gold and silver in rocks and ores (1888) - Chapman, E. J. - 80 pages Practical Instructions in Quantitative Assaying with the Blowpipe (1894) - Fletcher, E. L. - 155 pages Practical metallurgy and assaying; a textbook for the use of teachers, students, and assayers (1892) - Hiorns, A. H. - 516 pages Practical mineralogy, assaying and mining; with a description of the useful minerals, and instructions for assaying and mining according and mining according to the simplest methods (1854) - Overman, F. - 250 pages Practical mining and assaying (1897) - Johnson, F. M. - 116 pages Preliminary report on the cape Nome gold region, Alaska, with maps and illustrations (1900) - Schrader, F. C. - 56 pages Principles of mining valuation, organization and administration (1909) - Hoover, H. - 220 pages Processing gold ores using heap leach-carbon adsorption methods (1978) - Heinen, H. J. - 32 pages Prospecting for gold and silver in North America (1899) - Lakes, A. - 303 pages Prospecting for minerals; a practical handbook for prospectors, explorers, settlers, and all interested in the opening up and development of new lands (1921) - Cox, S. H. - 278 pages Prospecting in Nova Scotia (n.d.) - Prest, W. H. - 18 pages Prospecting locating and valuing mines (1900) - Stretch, R. H. - 426 pages Prospectors' manual (1886) - Trout, P. L. - 90 pages Quartz operator's hand book (1865) - Wheeler, Z. - 160 pages Radiation from and the melting points of palladium and platinum (1907) - n.a. - 56 pages Reconnaissance of the gold fields of southern Alaska (1898) - Becker, G. F. - 171 pages Recovering gold from stripping waste and ore by percolation cyanide leaching (1969) - Potter, G. M. - 16 pages Recovering precious metals from waste liquid residues (1920) - Gee, G. E. - 394 pages Recovery of silver, gold, and lead from a complex sulfide ore using ferric chloride, thiourea, and brine leach solutions (1986) - Sandberg, R. G. - 24 pages Remarks on the production of the precious metals, and on the demonetization of gold in several countries in Europe (1852) - Faucher, L. - 130 pages Remarks on the production of the precious metals, and on the depreciation of gold (1853) - Chevalier, M. - 122 pages Report on the condition & prospects of gold-mining, in Colorado (1863) - Cornell, S. D. - 34 pages Roasting of gold and silver ores, and the extraction of their respective metals without quicksilver (1880) - Küstel, G. - 180 pages Round the world for gold : a search for minerals from Kansas to Cathay (1912) - Way, H. W. L. - 484 pages Silver and gold: an account of the mining and metallurgical industry of the United States, with reference chiefly to the precious metals (1873) - Raymond, R. W. - 581 pages Silver mining regions of Colorado (1865) - Whitney, J. P. - 113 pages Silver ores (1921) - Cronshaw, H. B. - 174 pages Six months in the gold mines: from a journal of three years' residence in Upper and Lower California. 1847-8-9 (1850) - Buffum, E. G. - 176 pages Statistics and technology of the precious metals (1885) - Emmons, S. F. - 541 pages Synopsis of a report on mining in California and Nevada, U.S.A. (1879) - Thureau, G. - 90 pages Tables of the value of gold and silver per ounce troy (1880) - Price, T. - 64 pages Text-book of inorganic chemistry Volume 9 Part 1 Cobalt, nickel, and the elements of the platinum group (1922) - Friend, J. N. - 406 pages The ABC of mining (1898) - n.a. - 192 pages The analysis of minerals and ores of the rarer elements for analytical chemists, metallurgists, and advanced students (1919) - Schoeller, W. R. - 262 pages The assayer's guide; or, Practical directions to assayers, miners and smelters, for the tests and assays (1907) - Lieber, O. M. - 340 pages The assayer's manual (1883) - Kerl, B. - 345 pages The Blowpipe In Chemistry Mineralogy And Geology (1889) - Ross, W. A. - 300 pages The cause of rustiness and of some of the losses in working gold (1881) - Egleston, T. - 8 pages The chemistry of cyanide solutions resulting from the treatment of ores (1910) - Clennell, J. E. - 202 pages The Chicago record's book for gold seekers (1897) - n.a. - 568 pages The Cripple Creek district gold fields (1903) - n.a. - 48 pages The cyanide process of gold extraction (1896) - Park, J. - 172 pages The discovery and geognosy of gold deposits in Australia (1860) - Davison, S. - 503 pages The doctrine of gold and silver computations (1766) - Snelling, T. - 171 pages The explorers', miners;, and metallurgists' companion (1873) - Phillips, J. S. - 697 pages The fire assay of gold, silver, and lead in ores and metallurgical products (1907) - Austin, L. S. - 100 pages The formation of gold nuggets and placer deposits (1881) - Elgeston, T. - 20 pages The gold deposits in Australia; their discovery, development and geognosy, with a disquisition on the origin of gold in placer-deposits and in quartz-veinstones (1861) - Simpson, D. - 521 pages The gold fields and mineral districts of Victoria, with notes on the modes of occurrence of gold and other metals and minerals (1869) - Smyth, R. B. - 722 pages The gold fields of the Klondike (1897) - Leonard, J. W. - 250 pages The gold hunters adventures : or, life in Australia (1864) - Thomas, W. H. - 588 pages The gold measures of Nova Scotia and deep mining (1897) - Faribault, E. R. - 74 pages The gold regions of south eastern Africa (1877) - Baines, T. - 284 pages The Gold-quartz Veins of Nevada City and Grass Valley Districts, California (1896) - Lindgren, W. - 336 pages The goldsmith's handbook; containing full instructions for the alloying and working of gold (1886) - Gee, G. E. - 346 pages The gold-tracer (1899) - Clark, J. M. - 104 pages The handy book; containing tables, rules and other information regarding the working of the precious metals (1914) - n.a. - 54 pages The Hunt and Douglas process for extracting copper from its ores. With an appendix including notes on the treatment of silver and gold ores (1876) - Hunt, T. S. - 52 pages The hydraulic gold miner's manual (1897) - Kirkpatrick, T. S. G. - 82 pages The hydrometallurgy of copper, and its separation from the precious metals (1881) - Hunt, T. S. - 15 pages The idle and industrious miner (1854) - Delano, A. - 23 pages The jeweller's assistant in the art of working in gold (1892) - Gee, G. E. - 326 pages The land of gold. Reality versus fiction. (1855) - Helper, H. R. - 312 pages The MacArthur-Forrest process of gold extraction (1890) - MacArthur, J. S. - 20 pages The mechanical reduction of gold ores (1893) - n.a. - 36 pages The metallurgy and assaying of the precious metals used in coinage (1877) - Outerbridge, A. E. - 30 pages The metallurgy of argentiferous lead; a practical treatise on the smelting of silver-lead ores and the refining of lead bullion (1891) - Eissler, M. - 490 pages The metallurgy of gold (1898) - Rose, T. K. - 616 pages The metallurgy of silver, a practical treatise on the amalgamation, roasting, and lixiviation of silver ores (1896) - Eissler, M. - 450 pages The metallurgy of silver, gold, and mercury in the United States Vol.1 (1887) - Egleston, T. - 623 pages The metallurgy of silver, gold, and mercury in the United States Vol.2 (1887) - Egleston, T. - 978 pages The metallurgy of the common metals, gold, silver, iron, copper, lead and zinc (1907) - Austin, L. S. - 426 pages The mineral laws of the Orange River Colony, including the Mining of precious metals ordinance, 1904, The Mining of precious stones ordinance, 1904, The Mining of base metals and minerals ordinance, 1904, and The Mines regulations, with notes and a complete index (1904) - Bell, W. H. S. - 327 pages The miner's right, a tale of the Australian goldfields Vol.1 (1890) - Boldrewood, R. - 324 pages The miner's right, a tale of the Australian goldfields Vol.2 (1890) - Boldrewood, R. - 328 pages The miner's right, a tale of the Australian goldfields Vol.3 (1890) - Boldrewood, R. - 364 pages The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver (1867) - Phillips, J. A. - 579 pages The mining districts of the Idaho basin and the Boise ridge, Idaho (1898) - Lindgren, W. - 170 pages The natural history, ancient and modern, of precious stones and gems, and of the precious metals (1865) - King, C. W. - 401 pages The new age of gold (1856) - Payson, G. - 418 pages The new golden age and influence of the precious metals upon the world Vol.1 (1882) - Patterson, R. H. - 510 pages The new golden age and influence of the precious metals upon the world Vol.2 (1882) - Patterson, R. H. - 556 pages The occurrence of gold-ores in the Rainy River district, Ontario, Canada (1896) - Merritt, W. H. - 16 pages The Official guide to the Klondyke country and the gold fields of Alaska (1897) - n.a. - 270 pages The parting process used in the United States mint at Philadelphia (1886) - Egleston, T. - 36 pages The platinum metals (1920) - Lamb, A. D. - 82 pages The practical assayer, containing easy methods for the assay of the principal metals and alloys (1874) - North, O. - 320 pages The precious metals comprising gold, silver and platinum (1909) - Rose, T. K. - 324 pages The private book of useful alloys and memoranda for goldsmiths, jewellers, etc. (1872) - Collins, J. E. - 84 pages The production of the precious metals : or, Statistical notices of the principal gold and silver producing regions of the world (1869) - Blake, W. P. - 384 pages The progress of the metallurgy of gold and silver in the United States (1882) - Egleston, T. - 54 pages The rapid decline in the production of the precious metals in the United States (1869) - Garnett, L. A. - 76 pages The reducer's manual, and gold and silver worker's guide, being a complete practical hand-book on the saving and reduction of every class of photographic wastes, and gold and silver residues (1869) - Bloede, V. G. - 192 pages The routes and mineral resources of north western Canada (1898) - Dyer, E. J. - 298 pages The sampling and assay of the precious metals; comprising gold, silver, platinum, and the platinum group metals in ores, bullion, and products (1913) - Smith, E. A. - 500 pages The silversmith's handbook (1885) - Gee, G. E. - 310 pages The Stamp Milling of Gold Ores (1909) - Rickard, T. A. - 291 pages The treatment of fine gold in the sands of Snake River, Idaho (1890) - Egleston, T. - 17 pages The use of the blowpipe in chemistry and mineralogy (1845) - Berzelius, J. J. - 266 pages The valuation of mineral property; rules and tables (1910) - O'Donahue, T. A. - 184 pages The watchmaker's and jeweler's hand-book (1866) - Hopkins, C. - 56 pages The Willow Creek District, Alaska (1915) - Capps, S. R. - 437 pages The young assayers' and miners' assistant (1849) - Schmidt, P. - 64 pages Victoria and the Australian gold mines in 1857; with notes on the overland route from Australia via Suez (1857) - Westgarth, W. - 517 pages West Australian mining practice; a description of the mining methods followed by the principal gold mines of Western Australia (1911) - Cleland, E. D. - 330 pages World map of precious stones and precious metals (1921) - n.a. - 4 pages Maps A new map of the gold region in California. (1851) A new map of the state of North Carolina : constructed from actual surveys, authentic public documents and private contributions (1854) County of Nevada, California (1909) Cripple Creek mining district, the great gold camp of Colorado (1895) Map of Colorado Territory embracing the Central Gold Region (1862) Map of El Dorado County, California (1909) Map of Stevens County : north half : mining and topographical (1900) Map of the Alaskan gold fields (1897) Map of the Cumberland Valley oil region : showing the lands of the New York and Kentucky and the Burksville Kentucky Oil and Mining companies (1870) Map of the gold regions of California (1849) Map of the mining district of California (1850) Map of the property of the Western Mining & Manufacturing Co. situate on Drody's Creek, Coal River Peytona, Boone County, Western Virginia (1850) Map of the recently discovered gold regions in Western Kansas & Nebraska (1859) Map of the territory of Montana with portions of the adjoining territories : showing the gulch or placer diggings actually worked and districts where quartz (gold & silver) lodes have been discovered to January 1st 1865 (1865) Map of the Toledo, Wabash, and Gt. Western Rail Road Line, and its connections (1859) Map of the Tombstone mining district; Cochise Co., Arizona Ter. (1881) Millroy's map of Alaska and the Klondyke gold fields (1897) Mining claims of Searchlight, Nevada, Lincoln County (1906) Official map of Cascade County, Montana : also the adjacent mining regions of the Belt Mountains (1890) Placer County California (1902) Rand, McNally & Co.'s map of the northern portion of the Black Hills (1877) Routes to the Pikes Peak gold regions (1860) Sectional & road map of Los Angeles County : including part of Orange and Ventura counties, showing the oil and mining districts (1900) Sketch of General Riley's route through the mining districts [of California] : July and Aug. 1849 (1850) The gold and coal fields of Alaska : together with the principal steamer routes and trails (1898) Topographical sketch of the gold & quicksilver district of California (1848) Videos City of Gold (1957) Placer Gold (n.d.) South Dakota Saga (Part I) (1940) South Dakota Saga (Part II) (1940) The Glory Trail (1964) Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au Ag - USB

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Topic: Mining, Metallurgy, Ancient and Modern Gold, Precious Metals, Goldsmith

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Author: sunshine-books

Publication Name: Gold

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Features: Magazines, Collector's Edition, Illustrated, Issues, Manuals, Publications, Collection, Library, Classic, Catalogue

Book Title: Gold


Farrar'S Illustrated Guide Book To Moosehead Lake And Vicinity, [Leather Bound]
Farrar'S Illustrated Guide Book To Moosehead Lake And Vicinity, [Leather Bound]


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God's Answer to Fear, Depression, and Discouragement - Hardcover - VERY GOOD
God's Answer to Fear, Depression, and Discouragement - Hardcover - VERY GOOD


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The Essential Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Thomas  the  - VERY GOOD
The Essential Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Thomas the - VERY GOOD


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Journey - Hardcover By Michener, James A. - GOOD
Journey - Hardcover By Michener, James A. - GOOD


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Introduction to Electrical Installation Work by Linsley, Trevor Paperback Book
Introduction to Electrical Installation Work by Linsley, Trevor Paperback Book


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The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and: New
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and: New


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244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au - CD/DVD
244 BOOKS - Gold - Metallurgy Ancient Modern Mining Precious Metals Au - CD/DVD


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Amateur Naturalist - Hardcover By Baker, Nick - VERY GOOD
Amateur Naturalist - Hardcover By Baker, Nick - VERY GOOD


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The Sexual Man - Paperback By Hart, Archibald - GOOD
The Sexual Man - Paperback By Hart, Archibald - GOOD


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