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231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD

Description: Caricature Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE The Ultimate Collection of 231 Books This is the most complete collection on USB FLASH DRIVE for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVEreadable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This USB contains 231 interesting books about Caricature. You will discover information on many topics such as exaggeration, satire, distortion, parody, cartoon, overemphasis, humor, ridicule, lampoon, caricaturist, facial features, proportions, stereotype, grotesque, wit and many more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Caricature! Contents: American caricatures pertaining to the Civil War (1918) - n.a. - 180 pages Cartoons by Bradley, cartoonist of the Chicago Daily News (1917) - Bradely, L. D. - 104 pages Manners and customs of ye Englyshe; drawn from ye quick (1849) - Doyle, R. - 180 pages Society pictures (1890) - Du Maurier, G. - 526 pages Training for the trenches; a book of humorous cartoons on a serious subject (1917) - Butler, A. B. - 20 pages A book of caricatures (1907) - Beerbohm, M. - 220 pages A caricature history of Canadian politics; events from the union of 1841, as illustrated by cartoons from "Grip", and various other sources Vol.1 (1886) - Bengiugh, J. W. - 444 pages A caricature history of Canadian politics; events from the union of 1841, as illustrated by cartoons from "Grip", and various other sources Vol.2 (1886) - Bengiugh, J. W. - 440 pages A gallery of pen sketches in black and white of 'Cincinnatians as we see 'em' (1905) - Bushnell, E. A. - 496 pages A history of caricature & grotesque in literature and art (1864) - Wright, T. - 520 pages A list of Vanity Fair cartoons from their beginning (1895) - n.a. - 64 pages A peep into 'Punch'; with nearly five hundred pictures from 'Punch' (1900) - Schooling, J. H. - 324 pages A political and satirical history of the years 1756 and 1757 (1758) - Matthis, D. - 172 pages A selection from the illustrations which have appeared in the Oudh Punch from 1877 to 1881 (1881) - n.a. - 86 pages A story without words (1894) - Arnold, W. E. - 144 pages A survey (1921) - Beerbohm, M. - 228 pages Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch (1909) - Walsh, W. S. - 113 pages Abraham Lincoln in contemporary caricature (1904) - Shaw, A. - 16 pages Aces and kings; cartoons from the Des Moines Register (1918) - Darling, J. N. - 104 pages America in the war (1918) - Raemaekers, L. - 207 pages An evening from among the thousand evenings which may be spent with 'Punch' (1900) - n.a. - 187 pages Ask mamma', or, The richest commoner in England (n.d.) - Surtees, R. S. - 484 pages Assemblee nationale comique (1850) - Lireux, A. - 684 pages Attwood's pictures; an artists's history of the last ten years of the nineteenth century (1900) - Attwood, F. G. - 156 pages Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G.; in upwards of 100 cartoons from the collection of Mr. Punch (1878) - Doyle, R. - 120 pages Best of H.T. Webster; a memorial collection (1953) - Webster, H. T. - 268 pages Biltmore Oswald; the diary of a hapless recruit (1918) - Smith, T. - 137 pages Black jokes, for 'blue devils' (1897) - Wehman, H. J. - 108 pages Bringing up father (1930) - McManus, G. - 52 pages Brudder Bones' '4-11-44' joker (1897) - Wehman, H. J. - 80 pages Builders of greater Grand Rapids in biographical caricatures (1914) - n.a. - 82 pages Canadian men of affairs in cartoon (1922) - Racey, A. G. - 142 pages Canadians as we see 'em (1900) - n.a. - 112 pages Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands (1878) - Parton, J. - 356 pages Caricature; wit and humor of a nation in picture, song and story (1909) - n.a. - 442 pages Caricatures (1902) - Hayter, H. W. G. - 82 pages Caricatures by Tom Tit (1913) - Good, A. - 140 pages Caricatures pertaining to the Civil War (1892) - n.a. - 165 pages Cartoon portraits and biographical sketches of men of the day (1873) - Waddy, F. - 264 pages Cartoons (1899) - Davenport, W. - 104 pages Cartoons by Bradley; cartoonist of the Chicago Daily News (1917) - Bradley, L. D. - 118 pages Cartoons by Halladay (1914) - Halladay, M. R. - 120 pages Cartoons by McCutcheon (1903) - McCutcheon, J. T. - 216 pages Cartoons for the Year 1901; (from 'Punch') (1902) - Lucy, H. W. - 126 pages Cartoons from Punch (n.d.) - Tenniel, J. - 216 pages Cartoons from 'Punch' Vol.1 (1906) - n.a. - 474 pages Cartoons from 'Punch' Vol.2 (1906) - n.a. - 474 pages Cartoons from 'Punch' Vol.4 (1906) - n.a. - 474 pages Cartoons from the 'Hindi Punch' 1904 (1904) - n.a. - 172 pages Cartoons of our war with Spain (1898) - Nelan, C. - 71 pages Cartoons of the Spanish-American War (1899) - Bartholomew, C. L. - 302 pages Cartoons of the war of 1898 with Spain; from leading foreign and American papers (1898) - n.a. - 193 pages Cartoons; Selected from the pages of 'Punch' (1901) - Tenniel, J. - 200 pages Cham au Salon de 1861 (1861) - Cham - 36 pages Cham au Salon de 1863 (1863) - Cham - 36 pages Cham au Salon de 1867 (1867) - Cham - 37 pages Cham au Salon de 1870 (1870) - Cham - 36 pages Cham au Salon de 1878 (1878) - Cham - 36 pages Cham Vol.1 (1853) - n.a. - 432 pages Cham Vol.2 (1853) - n.a. - 256 pages Cham Vol.3 (1853) - n.a. - 330 pages Cham Vol.4 (1853) - n.a. - 458 pages Cham Vol.5 (1853) - n.a. - 422 pages Cham Vol.6 (1853) - n.a. - 410 pages Cham Vol.7 (1853) - n.a. - 432 pages Club men of Louisiana in caricature (1917) - Patrick, W. K. - 374 pages Comic Alphabet (1836) - Cruikshank, G. - 28 pages Confessions of a caricaturist (1917) - Herford, O. - 86 pages Das deutsche Militär in der Karikatur (1907) - Conring, F. F. - 728 pages Das perfide Albion (1915) - Geiser, A. - 40 pages Dashes of American humor (1853) - Paul, H. - 334 pages Der Leutnant (1904) - Thöny, E. - 72 pages Die deutsche Karikatur im XIX Jahrhundert (1901) - Hermann, G. - 154 pages Die Juden in der Karikatur; ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte (1921) - Fuchs, E. - 428 pages Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin; mediko-kunsthistorische Studie (1921) - Holländer, E. - 454 pages Drawings (n.d.) - Leech, J. - 100 pages Early pencillings from Punch (chiefly political) (1864) - Leech, J. - 252 pages En roulant ma boule, album (1901) - Barré, R. - 1901 pages English caricaturists and graphic humourists of the nineteenth century; how they illustrated and interpreted their times (1886) - Everitt, G. - 552 pages F. Fox's funny folk (1917) - Fox, F. - 228 pages Fifty caricatures (1914) - Beerbohm, M. - 120 pages Fifty great cartoons (1890) - Beard, F. - 112 pages Forty years of 'Spy' (1920) - Ward, L. - 520 pages Four hundred humorous illustrations (1860) - Leech, J. - 424 pages Fragments from France (1917) - Bairnsfather, B. - 168 pages George Cruikshank's omnibus. Illusttrated with one hundred engravings on steel and wood (1842) - Cruikshank, G. - 370 pages George Cruikshank's Table-book (1869) - Cruikshank, G. - 316 pages Grande mythologie tintamarresque (1881) - Lafosse, G. - 844 pages Half a century of English history, pictorially presented in a series of cartoons from the collection of Mr. Punch (1884) - n.a. - 316 pages Handley Cross (1854) - Leech, J. - 480 pages Hell Up to Date (n.d.) - n.a. - 90 pages Histoire de la caricature antique (1879) - Champfleury - 382 pages Histoire de la caricature moderne (1871) - Champfleury - 358 pages Histoire de la caricature sous la réforme et la ligue-Louis XIII à Louis XVI (1880) - Champfleury - 350 pages Histoire de la caricature sous la république, l'empire et la restauration (1877) - Champfleury - 384 pages Humorous masterpieces from American literature (1886) - Mason, E. T. - 326 pages Humorous masterpieces from American literature Vol.1 (1888) - Mason, E. T. - 326 pages Humorous masterpieces from American literature Vol.2 (1886) - Mason, E. T. - 312 pages Humours of history; 160 drawings (1915) - Moreland, A. - 172 pages I remember you (1912) - Bernard, J. - 154 pages Indianapolitans 'as we see 'em'; cartoons and caricatures (1904) - Davenport, W. - 236 pages International cartoons of the war (1916) - Adam, H. P. - 102 pages Jack the giant killer (1843) - Leigh, P. - 102 pages John Bull sur la sellette (1900) - Grand-Carteret, J. - 54 pages John Leech; his life and work Vol.1 (1891) - Frith, W. P. - 304 pages John Leech; his life and work Vol.2 (1891) - Frith, W. P. - 379 pages Kladderadatsch - 19. September 1926 (1926) - n.a. - 16 pages Kladderadatsch - 31. Juli 1927 (1927) - n.a. - 16 pages Kladderadatsch - 7. Juni 1931 (1931) - n.a. - 16 pages La caricature et les caricaturistes (1913) - Bayard, E. - 408 pages La caricature révolutionnaire (1916) - Blum, A. - 264 pages La comédie parisienne (1892) - Forain, J. L. - 264 pages L'actualité en images (1893) - Grand-Carteret, J. - 112 pages L'art du rire et de la caricature (1892) - Alexandre, A. - 394 pages Later pencillings from Punch (1865) - Leech, J. - 252 pages Le genre satirique dans la peinture flamande (1907) - Maeterlinck, L. - 528 pages Les anglais peints par eux-mêmes Vol.1 (1840) - Meadows, J. K. - 518 pages Les anglais peints par eux-mêmes Vol.2 (1840) - Meadows, J. K. - 486 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.1 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.11 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.12 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.13 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 176 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.14 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.16 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 172 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.17 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 172 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.18 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.3 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 172 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.3 Series 2 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 176 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.4 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.4 Series 2 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.4, 6, 9, 10, 15 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 812 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.5 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.5 Series 2 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 174 pages Les maîtres humoristes, les meilleurs dessins, les meilleures legendes Vol.7 (1905) - Gavarni, P. - 178 pages Les mœurs et la caricature en Allemagne, en Autriche, en Suisse (1885) - Grand-Carteret, J. - 556 pages L'estampe satirique en France pendant les guerres de religion; essai sur les origines de la caricature politique (1917) - Blum, A. - 420 pages Light from the lantern of Diogenes (1855) - Diogenes - 88 pages London Out Of Town (1847) - Leighton, J. - 18 pages M.P.'s in session, from Mr. Punch's parliamentary portrait gallery (1889) - Furniss, H. - 92 pages Men of affairs; a gallery of cartoon portraits (1906) - n.a. - 226 pages Men of New Haven in cartoon (1906) - n.a. - 122 pages Men of Worcester in caricature (1917) - Phifer, L. C. - 196 pages Mother Goose comes to Portland (1918) - Freeman, F. W. - 74 pages Mr. Punch and the services (n.d.) - n.a. - 248 pages Mr. Punch in the hunting field (1910) - Leech, J. - 200 pages Mr. Punch's after-dinner stories (1910) - Leech, J. - 200 pages Mr. Punch's 'Book of arms' (1899) - Reed, E. T. - 140 pages Mr. Punch's book of love (1910) - Leech, J. - 200 pages Mr. Punch's history of the great war (1919) - n.a. - 303 pages Musée ou magasin comique de Philipon Vol.1 (1840) - Philipon, C. - 206 pages Musée ou magasin comique de Philipon Vol.2 (1840) - Philipon, C. - 202 pages Nos amis les quebecquois; Album de caricatures (1913) - Fournier, J. - 44 pages Oeuvres choisies de Gavarni Vol.1 (1846) - Gavarni, P. - 198 pages Oeuvres choisies de Gavarni Vol.2 (1846) - Gavarni, P. - 192 pages Oeuvres choisies de Gavarni Vol.3 (1846) - Gavarni, P. - 192 pages Oeuvres choisies de Gavarni Vol.4 (1846) - Gavarni, P. - 172 pages Oh, Canada; a medley of stories, verse, pictures, and music (1916) - n.a. - 150 pages Old faces in new masks (1859) - Blakey, R. - 418 pages One hundred cartoons (1916) - Cesare, O. E. - 199 pages Our people'; sketches from 'Punch' (1888) - Keene, C. - 156 pages Paris, province, étranger (1906) - Huard, C. - 238 pages Pen and pencil in Parliament (1897) - Furniss, H. - 216 pages Phil May; sketches from 'Punch' (1903) - May, P. - 112 pages Phil May's ABC; fifty-two original designs forming two humorous alphabets from A to Z (1897) - May, P. - 126 pages Phil May's gutter-snipes; 50 original sketches in pen (1899) - May, P. - 120 pages Phil May's sketch-book; fifty cartoons (1898) - May, P. - 64 pages Pictures (1907) - Doyle, R. - 72 pages Pictures by Japanese artists (1908) - Binyon, L. - 88 pages Pictures of life & character (1854) - Leech, J. - 72 pages Pictures of life and character, from the collection of Mr. Punch Vol.1 (1886) - Leech, J. - 296 pages Pictures of life and character, from the collection of Mr. Punch Vol.2 (1886) - Leech, J. - 288 pages Pictures of life and character, from the collection of Mr. Punch Vol.3 (1886) - Leech, J. - 278 pages Plain or ringlets (n.d.) - n.a. - 460 pages Proudhoniana (1848) - Cham - 60 pages Punch' drawings (1921) - Townsend, F. H. - 245 pages Quoth the raven, an unofficial history of the war (1919) - Lucas, E. V. - 72 pages Raemaekers' cartoon history of the war Vol.1 (1918) - Raemaekers, L. - 232 pages Raemaekers' cartoon history of the war Vol.2 (1918) - Raemaekers, L. - 232 pages Raemaekers' cartoon history of the war Vol.3 (1918) - Raemaekers, L. - 228 pages Rebel cartoons (1920) - n.a. - 24 pages Rebel cartoons; reprinted from the 1917-18 and 1918-19 issues of 'The Rebel' (1920) - n.a. - 20 pages Revue comique à l'usage des gens sérieux (1848) - n.a. - 634 pages Richard Croker as he is and as the cartoonists make him (n.d.) - Croker, R. - 580 pages Rossetti and his circle (1922) - Beerbohm, M. - 114 pages Rowlandson the caricaturist; a selection from his works, with anecdotal descriptions of his famous caricatures and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries Vol.1 (1880) - Grego, J. - 410 pages Rowlandson the caricaturist; a selection from his works, with anecdotal descriptions of his famous caricatures and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries Vol.2 (1880) - Grego, J. - 476 pages Seymour's humorous sketches (1800) - Seymour, R. - 206 pages Skämtbilden och dess historia i konsten (1910) - Laurin, C. G. J. - 656 pages Sketches from the civil war in North America, 1861, '62, '63 (1917) - Volck, A. J. - 102 pages Social caricature in the eighteenth century (1905) - Paston, G. - 428 pages Social pictorial satire (1898) - Du Maurier, G. - 168 pages Some Terre Haute phizes (1905) - Lucas, E. M. - 318 pages Songs and their singers; from 'Punch' (1898) - May, P. - 40 pages Songs of the By-Town coons (1890) - n.a. - 35 pages Souvenir cartoons (1917) - Johnson, G. H. B. - 24 pages Souvenirs comiques de l'an (1858) - Cham - 36 pages Symbol and satire in the French Revolution (1912) - Henderson, E. F. - 508 pages That toddlin' town; a rowdy burlesque of Chicago manners and morals (1951) - Hefner, H. M. - 70 pages The American tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson, being the history of what they saw, & did in the United States, Canada and Cuba (1872) - Toby - 298 pages The art of caricature (1903) - Wright, G. - 88 pages The Barnabys in America; or, Adventures of the widow wedded Vol.1 (1843) - Trollope, F. M. - 344 pages The Barnabys in America; or, Adventures of the widow wedded Vol.2 (1843) - Trollope, F. M. - 326 pages The Best Cartoons From Punch (1952) - Herbert, A. P. - 164 pages The comic Blackstone (1876) - Beckett, G. A. - 272 pages The comic English grammar; a new and facetious introduction to the English tongue (1840) - Leigh, P. - 254 pages The comic history of England (1850) - Beckett, G. A. - 690 pages The comic history of Rome (1852) - Beckett, G. A. - 332 pages The comic history of the United States, from a period prior to the discovery of America to times long subsequent to the present (1870) - Sherwood, J. D. - 556 pages The comic military alphabet; army, navy, national guard (1894) - Falls, D. - 116 pages The comic natural history of the human race (1851) - Stephens, H. L. - 302 pages The confessions of a caricaturist Vol.2 (1902) - Furniss, H. - 304 pages The country boy; the story of his own early life (1910) - Davenport, W. - 191 pages The dollar or the man; the issue of to day (1900) - Davenport, W. - 136 pages The Englishman in Canada, a satire (1880) - n.a. - 76 pages The funny side of golf; from the pages of 'Punch' (n.d.) - n.a. - 124 pages The Gould-en treasury (1906) - Gould, F. C. - 84 pages The Grip cartoons (1875) - Bengough, J. W. - 214 pages The history of the nineteenth century in caricature (1904) - Maurice, A. B. - 392 pages The 'Land & Water' edition of Raemaekers' cartoons Vol.1 (1916) - Raemaekers, L. - 319 pages The 'Land & Water' edition of Raemaekers' cartoons Vol.2 (1916) - Raemaekers, L. - 324 pages The Phil May album (1900) - May, P. - 124 pages The political Struwwelpeter (1899) - Begbie, H. - 58 pages The portraits and caricatures of James McNeill Whistler; an iconography (1913) - Gallatin, A. E. - 120 pages The Rev. Mr. Sourball's European tour (1867) - Cope, H. - 74 pages The Rt. Hon. John Bright, M. P.; cartoons from the collection of 'Mr. Punch' (1898) - n.a. - 48 pages The ups and downs of political life, or, the adventures of Mr. G. Raball (1892) - Gilmour, J. - 30 pages The wassail-bowl Vol.1 (1843) - Smith, A. - 272 pages The wassail-bowl Vol.2 (1843) - Smith, A. - 266 pages Turf in caricature (1900) - Anderson, J. S. - 50 pages Ye book of copperheads (1863) - Leland, C. G. - 34 pages Zopf ab'; die chinesische Affaire im Lichte der europäischen Karikatur (1900) - Feininger, L. - 105 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

Price: 9.95 USD

Location: New York, New York

End Time: 2025-01-22T13:40:44.000Z

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231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD231 BOOKS - Caricature - Exaggeration Satire Distortion Parody Cartoon - USB FD

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Item must be returned within: 60 Days

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Format: Digital (Physical Delivery)

Topic: Exaggeration, Satire, Distortion, Parody, Cartoon, Overemphasis, Humor, Ridicule, Lampoon, Caricaturist, Facial Features, Proportions, Stereotype, Grotesque, Wit

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


Language: English

Author: sunshine-books

Publication Name: Caricature

Genre: History and Genealogy

Features: Collector's Edition, Illustrated, Issues, Manuals, Publications, Collection, Library, Classic, Biographies, Catalogue, Books

Book Title: Caricature


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