Description: Yes we combine shipping for most multiple item purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1929 Panama Pacific Line Mercantile Marine Co SS California Bank Tour Vintage Ad Original, Vintage Magazine advertisementPage Size: Approx. 8" x 11" (21 cm x 28 cm)Condition: Good By RAILandWATERto and from theAnnualA. B. A.CONVENTIONinSan Francisco3,000 miles across the conti-nent by rail! 5,000 mileshome by Panama Pacificsteamer over the famousRecreation Route! Weleave New York on Sept. 23,by special train, stopping atChicago, Colorado Springs,Santa Fe, Grand Canyon,Pasadena, Del Monte andSAN FRANCISCO—forthe A. B. A. Convention.Home byS. S. CaliforniaLeaving San Francisco on Oct. 4, wevisit Yosemite Valley, Riverside,San Diego, Agua Calienta, Mexico;and Los Angeles (3 days). Here weboard the luxurious Panama Pacificliner, California, for the trip homeby water. Down the coast we sail,stopping at Balboa and PanamaCity, and passing through the PanamaCanal by daylight. Across the blueCaribbean to Havana—then up theAtlantic to New York, arrivingthere Oct. 28.A wonderful 35-day vacation tour—and$650 (up) covers all expenses. Sendfor special booklet describing the V ti ni 7Panama Pacific Bankers’ Tour in detail, panama pacific fineINTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANYNo. 1 Broadway. New York; 180 No. MichiganAve.. Chicago; 460 Market St., San Francisco; ouroffices elsewhere, or authorized S. S. or R R. agents. 13851-AL-2907-63